
I’m not sure i fully understand the issue for this though b/c when you go to the datejs homepage, you can input different dates and if you do something like 2009-11-01 (nov 11, 2009), it returns the correct date. Could calendar overlay extension be manipulating the save date somehow? i don’t think it matters how the extension stores the date (european vs. american style), it just needs to know how to output it back correctly.

The version used on the dateJS website is older than the one used in Rowans calendar overlay. There have been some changes due to internationalisation in the version used in this extension (it’s the one located on GoogleCode which dates back to 2008, the one on the website is from 2007).

There are two functions, parse() and parseExact(). While the first tries to guess the input format, the second is given an exact format which it tries to apply to the input. Both functions do have their advantages and disadvantages. If there is no need for multiple input format it would be a good idea to use parseExact().

I’m not sure which function Rowan uses. If he already uses parseExact() and the dates are misinterpreted, this is a bug in the dateJS framework.

The quick way to fix this is to add the timestamp or remove the comma. I came across it recently too in some PHP that’d I written.

It appears that strtotime turns anything before 1960 to something weird sometimes.

ie. 3 July, 1946 is wrong, but 3 July 1946 12:00am works fine.

In some cases, just removing the comma works too.

Is it possible to change the language from English to Dutch? I’ve already looked inside the datejs.core.js there I saw some English terms and names. But when I changed some things they didn’t change inside Symphony.

Can someone help me with this issue?

Did you test if the current Dutch translation of Symphony works with this extension? I don’t know if it does, and whether or not it is 2.0.7 compatible (if you use the latest Symphony beta), but I think I also translated days/months.

Calendar overlay doesn’t include any localisation files for dateJS. The date and time extension does.

So when I update Symphony to 2.0.7 it should be working? And it is also recommended to use the date and time extension… I’ll try!

I am using this with Symphony 2.1.2 and it seems to have gotten the “Pre-populate this field with today’s date” option messed up in the section manager.

It will start on today’s date in the calendar and month dropdown if “Pre-populate this field with today’s date” is UNchecked. The date field will have nothing in it.

If “Pre-populate this field with today’s date” is checked it always gives me 12 January 2010. The time seems to be correct. The date field is populated with this incorrect date.

Calendar Overlay updated to version 1.0.7 on 4th of March 2011


  • Updated styles to make things a little easier on different sized screens.
  • Made compatible with Symphony 2.2.

Damn, now I see MrBlanks comment...

“Pre-populate this field with today’s date” seems to be working okay for me in Symphony 2.2 with version 1.0.6 of Calendar Overlay.

It seems 1.0.6 is the latest version, and not 1.0.7?

Thanks for a nice extension.

When I create an entry it shows the data as "07 September 2011 03:24am". It's 09 July 2011 3:24 am though.

However once I hit save, the correct date is saved.

I think the plugin incorrect displays 2011-07-09 as September 7 instead of July 9, but for some reason it displays it correctly after you save.


For some reason, the date switches every time I save.

E.g. The entry will first be 2011-09-07 then once I click save, it becomes 2011-07-09. If I edit the entry and save again it goes back to 2011-09-07. But If I open it and save it again, it goes back to 2011-07-09.

Edit #2

Solution is to use the Date and Time extension instead

Rowan, could you make this extension 2.3 compatible?

Symphony 2.3 is only in a beta state, so I don't think this extension will be updated (if at all) until 2.3 is final.

I have just update symphony from 2.2.5 to 2.3.4 and I have an issue whit calendar overlay extension.
If I try to enter in the backend I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function addScriptToHead() on a non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/reportit/extensions/calendaroverlay/extension.driver.php on line 35

In line 35-37 there is:

$page->addScriptToHead(URL . '/extensions/calendaroverlay/assets/datejs.core.js', 3466703); $page->addScriptToHead(URL . '/extensions/calendaroverlay/assets/publish.js', 3466704); $page->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/extensions/calendaroverlay/assets/publish.css', 'screen', 3466701);

There is any way to fix this?
thanks a lot

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