
Perhaps Fingerprint should not include check boxes...

Could it be a configurable option? Define what field types to include in fingerprint maybe?

Complete lock down, input fields only, hidden fields only kinda thing as a preference.

Could it be a configurable option?

I don't see why not. I've already added the ability to exclude a page on my local copy. I won't have time to look at this until next week though.

Any configurability would be useful. The page exclusion also sounds cool. But I also think it would make sense to be able to customize it per event.

Also, I'm not sure what is happening, but if I have any invalid XSLT in my page, I get a blank page (usually I get the Symphony error page). Turning on php errors shows:

Fatal error: Class 'Administration' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/housex/extensions/fingerprint/extension.driver.php on line 44

Lewis, If configuring there may need to be some way configuring on a per form basis for flexibilty.

Not sure where this would go though, as we don't want any presence of an attribute associated with fingerprint in the form itself..


Any configurability would be useful. The page exclusion also sounds cool. But I also think it would make sense to be able to customize it per event.

Also, I'm not sure what is happening, but if I have any invalid XSLT in my page, I get a blank page (usually I get the Symphony error page). Turning on php errors shows:

Fatal error: Class 'Administration' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/housex/extensions/fingerprint/extension.driver.php on line 44

Same error

Also, I'm not sure what is happening, but if I have any invalid XSLT in my page, I get a blank page (usually I get the Symphony error page). Turning on php errors shows

Yes, I encountered something similar although it was a Symphony friendly error. The best thing to do is disable the extension while developing and you will get the XSLT errors page. It happens because the page must be valid XML because of the way I search for the hidden inputs. I did it this way because it seemed easier than using regular expressions.

Thanks Lewis. Nice idea

Fatal error: Class 'Administration' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/housex/extensions/fingerprint/extension.driver.php on line 44

Actually, that would be a little bug but it's happening because of my explanation above. I just need to make a different call so that you get a pretty error regardless of whether or not you are logged in as a Symphony author. I'll fix this next week when I look at implementing some of these ideas that have been discussed.

Hi Lewis, it seems doesn't works with Sections Event Extension, there is way to make this possible?

Thanks for all!!

bambocci, without looking into it more specifically the problem most likely stems from the Section Event Extension not having the necessary delegates for Fingerprint to utilize. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the extension to know better.

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