
Love this:

I mean, Symphony is much more about Logic than IT skills. It's possible for non-programmers use it, but they need to be smart too.

Has any of you guys ever come across the Fat Free Framework? 1 File, 50 kB sounds promising :) It seems to have an extension-philosophy similar to Symphony CMS.

If symphony makes the move to laravel 4 (or any modern php 5.3+ framework), it will go back to being my number one pick. Honestly, I miss clients telling me how clean and simple the admin panel is. The time lost in me figuring out how to do what I want to do didn't justify me convincing a client to steer away from wordpress simply because 'everyone' is using it.

I've been using laravel for the past year and symphony for the past 3 (loosely). I'm a huge fan of laravel 4 (though the file size of a fresh install after, post composer install is pushing it). I should mention, I haven't used symphony for any projects in a year, so please take this into consideration.

I love that everything in symphony is a custom field type. Custom = Symphony. I get to model my site the way I want/need. Frankly, I've always found the api to be anything but intuitive (this is just my personal opinion) and being locked into xslt for templating is not a bonus. Writing custom queries to the database was a whole other issue.

After tinkering with processwire, from the developer perspective, the jquery like api was a little bit of a deterrent. Also, I didn't feel like the mvc structure was explicit, it was definitely implicit as in, it's there if you want to implement it.

I decided to take on a side project of building a cms with power of modeling data in symphony with the 'elegance' of laravel 5 months ago. Craft CMS caught me off guard, but I think they're on to something. I'm continuing my project as a learning experience and eventually i'd like to open source it.

From the perspective of an outsider looking in, xslt has a learning curve and the database structure of symphony as is seems daunting when running custom queries. Moving to any framework that can allow various templating systems and a simple query builder is a plus. Symphony's ui is top notch, and it can only get better, how the dev team will do it, i don't know but they can handle it :) I think laravel's event dispatcher is much cleaner than wordpress hooks (anonymous functions ftw). Laravel's view composers provide an easy way to modify data sent to a view, which would be an improvement to symphony's event system. It's hard to draw comparisons right now because if this switch does happen, symphony will definitely look different than it does now from design to code.

These are just a few comments I've got swimming in my head right now. To sum it up, I love symphony and I can't wait to see where this goes.

I decided to take on a side project of building a cms with power of modeling data in symphony with the 'elegance' of laravel 5 months ago. Craft CMS caught me off guard, but I think they're on to something. I'm continuing my project as a learning experience and eventually i'd like to open source it.

That's interesting because I've started working on a framework sideproject about the same time, mainly for building something similar to symphony, but as always time is the limiting factor.

If you are interested in contributing to "symphony-next" you can drop @designermonkey a line. I Guess talented developers are always welcome :)

Any actual experience in Laravel is a bonus, so please do.

I sent @designermonkey an email a few days ago. I'm really excited to see where this goes.

And I'm really crap at remembering to reply. Sorry.

This discussion is fairly a year old.

I was wondering if anything got decided as to if, when and how to implment some of the ideas discussed here, specially the use of Laravel as a base for Symphony and the option to have different templating options besides XSLT (even a full fledged API that outputs JSON consumed by an MVSomething JavaScript Framework).

Cheers to all

Dead horse, don't beat it.

I wouldn't be that quick to dismiss.

No, but this project in particular.

I was wondering if anything got decided as to if, when and how to implment some of the ideas discussed here, specially the use of Laravel as a base for Symphony and the option to have different templating options besides XSLT (even a full fledged API that outputs JSON consumed by an MVSomething JavaScript Framework).

i've seen livereload tweeted by brendo, days ago. that is a great step for SymphonyCMS UI.

a major refresh should be done; not talking about the frameworks and it's user base, of cource a stable framework with a big community would be gret, but the philosophy behing SymphonyCMS and the needs that developers have nowadays.

more and more, we face the fact of using SAME data in various clients (web, mobile or CLI apps), so thinking this way, Symphony should provide/get data through a RESTful layer, with all that involves, tokens, caching, throttle etc. ALSO noSQL databases should be considered; and here is where laravel could help. if you ever played with CouchDB and Fauxton, you'll know what i mean.

i guess, at least that's the way i feel, that Symphony should be a layer of modeling data (more like an ORM) between databases and it's consumers

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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