
Hi guys! Here is a link to the first approved Symphony Ensemble. Still 9 Slots left :D

The theme looks great!

Interesting; though would love to know how much symphony power that has used :) since the backend pictured is taken straight from the Symphony site.

I should finish packaging a full ensemble by the end of the weekend.

We just submitted Pompodium 2 to ThemeForest for review. You can also find it on Github:

It's still free to try, but a licence is required for production use.

On your licence page, the link to ThemeForest is broken.

Great work, Nils!

@michael-e: Yes, that because we still have to wait for the theme to be approved. So we don't know the link yet.

Okay, just to let you know that we are out of the competition:

Unfortunately your submission Pompodium Symphony Ensemble isn't ready for ThemeForest and cannot be resubmitted as it did not meet our minimum requirements for quality and/or marketplace policies. In order for submissions to be considered for sale they must be of high aesthetic and technical quality, unique to our library and cannot be in violation of Envato's policies.

Not sure what's wrong with the ensemble. Good luck everyone else.

That’s really a pity. It would be good to know why exactly the submission was nullified: Envato’s reply is indeed a bit blurry….

Actually, I don't mind – the ensemble is available for everyone to try so you can judge yourself if it's useful for you or not. If anyone wants to use it in production, please contact us directly. A licence costs 25 € plus taxes.

Does anyone know what Envato's policy is?

@Nils maybe you should have added more javascript :P

Does anyone know what Envato's policy is?

@Nils maybe you should have added more javascript :P

That's certainly one cause. And the lack of Neue Helvetica Light :)

Ha, found it.


  1. Code must not have any PHP notices, warnings, or errors.
  2. No PHP short tags are allowed.
  3. Ensure that the code adheres to PEAR standards. […]
  4. Authors should be strongly encouraged to always use curly braces even in situations where they are technically optional. Having them increases readability and decreases the likelihood of logic errors being introduced when new lines are added. For example, don't do: […]

So, it's not your ensemble, it's symphony itself that gets rejected (according to the quality standards above).

So, it's not your ensemble, it's symphony itself that gets rejected (according to the quality standards above).

Don't think so.

Gotta use these irony tags more often.

@Allen @Josh Any chance to find out what exactly went wrong here?

@Nils maybe you should have added more javascript :P

Along with gradients, more gradients :)

When I grow up I will use tons of Javascript and gradients, and everybody will fear me!

had a similar issue with mine... and quite honestly didn't bother resubmitting... not worth the time to try guess what is possibly wrong...

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