
Hi guys! So we just recently passed the half way mark on this Envato's most wanted and I wanted to check in to see if any of you might still be working on a submission?

If so, let me know so I can decide how to proceed.

@gunglien and Nils, I'm sorry about the rejections, I am looking into these to see if I can get a better feel for what happened with your submissions. I appreciate your effort.

Thanks, Josh


Thought about submitting one or two, but would really like to know what exactly was wrong with the rejected submissions first.

@ Josh

I found out late about this contest but I may submit something if time permits.

Regardless of this contest, will we be able to submit symphony websites in the future?


This competition made me try out Symphony and I'm glad I did :)

@gunglien and Nils: I think your ensembles were rejected on the grounds of design and not functionality/code. They recently raised the bar on the minimum aesthetics that they approve for the marketplace.

@vishu most definitely it wasn't the design at least for Nils's Pompodium which I checked out.

I'm guessing they are more used to wordpress templates which let you change almost anything in the front end. Although clients may be used to that it's also a really bad idea for lots of reasons: inline css, code bloat for every possible option and more importantly if a designer took the time to study the colors, typography, white-space and so on why would you want to change that (I understand you would want to change the primary color to fit your brand but that should be the only change).

Unfortunately the Envato staff seems to be pulling for more customization and loads of js which is curious given the smartphones market share where performance is very important.

Ramblings aside, I would love for @JoshSprague to give us some pointers.

Another Approved Symphony Ensemble for this competition - HARMONIE

Thanks to Everyone here on the forums. I learned most of the stuff here only.

... And another one - KAZUYA

@dexterous, great job, looks awesome! Harmonie === love.

@ixi Thanks :-)

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