
I was almost there. Installed Symphony 2.1. Then installed 2.2. The page came up. Then, after I pressed the "Install Symohony" button I got the following:

Log Created: 2013-08-28T16:50:09-06:00
Symphony Log
Opened:  2013-08-28T16:50:09-06:00
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.1 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.2 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.3 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.4 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.5 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.3 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.3.1 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.3.2 was successful
28 August 2013 16:50 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.3.3 was successful
07 September 2013 12:14 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2 was successful
07 September 2013 12:14 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.1 was successful
07 September 2013 12:14 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.2 was successful
07 September 2013 12:14 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.3 was successful
07 September 2013 12:14 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.4 was successful
07 September 2013 12:14 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.2.5 was successful
Could not complete upgrading. MySQL returned: 1054: MySQL Error (1054): Unknown column 'entry_order' in 'field list' in query: SELECT SQL_CACHE `handle`, `entry_order`, `entry_order_direction` FROM `sym_sections`
07 September 2013 12:14 > Notice: Updater - Migration to 2.3 was unsuccessful

So close! Please advise--at this point I don't want to do anything stupid.

Thanks again everyone!

Ah, that may be a bug. The entry orders were moved to the config file. If you wanted to log that on the github issue tracker, and Brendan could take a look, otherwise someone could probably help here if they've come across it themselves.

I'm currently away and have no access to an install to check this, sorry.

Site still down. My server error log was giving me the event log in error so I deleted login event from the pages in my database and now I'm back to this Symphony error:

Symphony Warning: Missing argument 1 for fieldSectionlink::__construct(), called in /home5/colombi8/public_html/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.fieldmanager.php on line 534 and defined

An error occurred in /home5/colombi8/public_html/symphony/lib/toolkit/fields/field.sectionlink.php around line 7

3     if(!defined('__IN_SYMPHONY__')) die('<h2>Symphony Error</h2><p>You cannot directly access this file</p>');
5     Class fieldSectionlink extends Field{
7         function __construct(&$parent){
8             parent::__construct($parent);
9             $this->_name = 'Section Link';
10         }

I'd like to first try upgrading, so not sure what I should do next.

You need to update all of the extensions to compatible versions.

Thanks again for the help.

For each install (2.1, 2.2, 2.3--the last one being what I haven't been able to do) I replaced/overwrote the my entire extension folder with the respective extension folder from the version package.

Current status: My site is still a blank page. The /install/ command gives still gives me that install error (seen in the log above about entry order).

And since I can't get into the CMS interface I don't know how else I could update my extensions.

What am I missing here?

Did you uninstall Section Link? Because your error still references it. It's not compatible with 2.3. It seems like you have not replaced all file in the Symphony folder properly because the Section Link is still present there.

To be more precise, this file should no longer exist if you updated to Symphony 2.3 correctly: /symphony/lib/toolkit/fields/field.sectionlink.php. When you update your install make sure that you really replace the symphony folder and don't merge old and new files. Deleting the old folder first might be a good idea (of course you should keep a backup of your old install so you can restore it, if the install fails).

Yes, Nils, thanks. That seems to have done something. I deleted before adding all the new folders/files.

Now, at the /install/ phase I get a few forms I wasn't getting before (connecting to database, permissions settings, etc). But after I press the "Install Symphony" button, I get a Table Prefix problem on the default prefix that says:

The table prefix sym_ is already in use. Please choose a different prefix to use with Symphony.

Again, in the interest of not wanting to do anything stupid that would prolong my (and this forum's) agony, I ask your advice. Obviously, this site and db already existed, so I don't know why it can't connect to the pre-existing db.

Should I use a new prefix? Something like "sym1_"? Or should I do something else entirely?

Hmm. You shouldn't have to run the installer. Does your manifest folder still exist and contains a config.php.

Nils, you're right about the manifest folder. I had deleted it and now restored it. For safe measure, I also cleanly reinstalled all the 2.3.3 files. So now the install looks ok. I get confirmation when I go to /install/ URL saying 2.3.3. appears up to date. (I'll delete that directory once I'm sure the site's back up.)

But now I get the same field.sectionlink.php error noted above. The file is no longer in /symphony/lib/toolkit/fields/field.sectionlink.php.

However, in my database I do see a sym_fields_sectionlink table with a total of two rows. Should I delete that table?

If you do this, your old fields are lost. That's why I said earlier that you'll have to migrate your section links to the newer SBL field before upgrading.

What you could do is to rename the table to something different so that Symphony ignores it, e. g. sectionlink. If you are able to access the backend after that, the upgrade went fine. But you'll have to dig into the database again and migrate your section link data to SBL manually.

@teobalive - first off, it would be to your benefit, download your site to your local machine. Make a full backup of your SQL database and download all your site files to your local machine. If you don't already have a local development environment, you should set one up. It's really easy to do so...

On Mac, download and install, MAMP.
On PC, download and install, XAMPP.

That way, you are not working on a live server and you can work out your problems locally.

But now I get the same field.sectionlink.php error noted above. The file is no longer in /symphony/lib/toolkit/fields/field.sectionlink.php.

However, in my database I do see a sym_fields_sectionlink table with a total of two rows. Should I delete that table?

What is data is in your section link table? Do you have any data in your selectbox link field table?

Once you find what data is in it, you have only two entries, it might be beneficial to manually enter those in, and recreate the link with Select Box link.

@Nils: Part of the problem is that I've never been able to get into the backend to update extensions and still can't (even after trying to rename it just sectionlink. How would I go about manually migrating section link data to SBL?

BTW - (and @bzerangue) I do not see a SBL table in the databse.

Here's the info in what used to be called the sym_fields_sectionlink table:


Could you post a list of your extensions?

What happens if you try to log in?

With every update install, I've replaced the entire Extension folder. So I currently have:

xssfilter gives me an empty page:

Index of /symphony

Apache Server at Port 80

Which extensions did you have before upgrading?
Did you by any chance override you .htaccess in the root?

Crap. My oldest backup automatically expired overnight, so I can no longer look into my original set up. I can't remember what my original extensions were.

I'm pretty sure that at some my .htaccess was overwritten at some point. I think I've just dug my hole deeper and deeper throughout this process.

If this is a lost cause, I'm about ready to throw in the towel.

@teobalive - Would you be willing to send your server credentials to your server? I can take a look at the file for you.

@brian at this point, I'm willing to do anything, where should I send it?

@teobalive - Could you post your current .htaccess on or as a gist on github?

Here is the 2.3.x Symphony .htaccess...

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