
That’s really strange … Have you tried viewing the admin interface in another browser. It’s working for me in Safari and Firefox on Mac OS X and Windows XP.

And the words ‘Containers’ and ‘Links’ are still wrapped in curly braces.

These words are loaded asynchronous by the WYMEditor core files. Do you have the file /extensions/wymeditor/assets/lang/en.js in place?

Could you just add console.log(basePath, iframeBasePath, skinPath) before containersItems at around line 12 of symphony.wymeditor.js and see if the correct paths are added to the console?

Nice work Nils!

Fresh install does not display any icons on Firefox 3.5.2, Chromium 3, or Opera 10 on Linux. Also tested over LAN from Firefox 3.5.2 on Mac and it doesn’t work.

Console shows the following error for the line you gave me:

missing : after property id

really nice Nils…
for frontend form-use i’d just use the WYMeditor as usual, this extension only is of use for backend?

@newnomad: Well, it’s just a standard WYMEditor with a resorted file structure. You could just use a normal editor setup on the front-end and grab those parts you need from the extension.

But no, there is no simple plug and play for the front-end.

Art Historians producing Über extensions on Steroids. Sauber!

missing : after property id

Do you have a line in the script for this error message?

Is there anybody else experiencing czheng’s problems?
To ask differently: Did anybody manage to install the text-formatter?

I’ve tested it on Safari 4 and it works fine for me.

You’ve been busy Nils. Excellent work

This works great for me with Rowan’s textbox (assuming you track the git working branch) - Do I dare abandon my beloved Markdown for WYMeditor?

Any plans to allow preference customisation? Personally, I always find there’s some situation that I need direct access to the HTML for (and there’s a button there in the default WYMeditor).

The easiest way for customisation is to edit /assets/symphony.wymeditor.js which contains all settings. Append

            'name': 'ToggleHtml', 
            'title': 'HTML', 
            'css': 'wym_tools_html'

to toolsItems.

Do you have a line in the script for this error message?

Yes, it was the line you gave me:

console.log(basePath, iframeBasePath, skinPath) 

Oh, could you just add a semicolon at the end of the line.

No luck with this at all… I just did a clean install of 2.0.6 and a clean install of this extension. I just get a plain textarea. No editor interface. Everything’s getting added to the html head. No idea what’s going on…

Edit Appears to be specific to FF 3.5. Works fine in Opera.

Edit Now it works. I didn’t change anything, except toggling some stuff on and off in Firebug. Go figure.

I’ve had similar problems with Firebug recently. Bleugh.

Yeah I never stopped to think it might be Firebug…

Some more wierdness:

In Firefox 3.5, when I try to use the link tool, I’m unable to type into the fields in the popup box. But if I click elsewhere in the popup box (e.g. on the labels) it allows me to edit it (resize, change label text, etc). Weird huh? I thought maybe it was another FF/Firebug thing, so I fired up Opera. In Opera 10, the link button doesn’t work at all.

Update Firebug console shows this error when I click the Link tool: wym._doc.getSelection().collapse is not a function in line 208 of symphony.wymeditor.js.

Well, czheng, I think that’s why I called the field experimental ;)

WYMEditor does more than it should and less than it could. I have the problem that it does not always wrap new lines in paragraphs when using Safari on a Mac. This is huge problem since the output will not validate and becomes unusable for Symphony.

I think it would be a good idea to create a new and simple editor for Symphony use, maybe based on something like jwysiwyg which is less bloated then WYMEditor. I have been thinking about this for a while. It could be like that:

Conductor for Symphony (working title)

Basic XHTML editor that outputs valid XML and gives the user only the following options:

  • formatting: paragraphs, headlines, blockquotes, code blocks and custom classes for these block elements
  • styles: strong, em
  • lists: ordered/unordered
  • insertation tool for links and images
  • tools: undo, redo and view source

Text should at least be wrapped in a paragraph and the output should be validated.
Typographic tools could be added as a plugin (quotes, dashes etc.)

I think this is all an editor for the backend should offer - it should not replace a word processor, it should be simple and working reliably.

Sounds promising… FWIW, I didn’t mean to bother you about this so much, I was just excited at the prospect of having a reliable editor in the backend ;)

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