
RichTextArea doesn’t seem to support block elements or classes and the source code it produces looks awful.

@Nils That’s true but I think that it works nice in all browsers.

I think “works nice in all browsers” isn’t the measure most Symphony folks are looking for though. Code output is much more important, especially since our templating layer is powered by XSLT.

Nils, could you clarify on what “fundamental things” make this extension unusable?

Well, first of all there is no fallback markup that is used if you have not specified a block element yet (it should use a paragraph as fallback in my opinion). This results in strange markup if you added a list and later remove it: you will then have a text node between the other content or a div in some browsers.

Furthermore, there are some strange issues with link insertation (this is not a WYM core problem, the problem lies in my implementation of this feature). It currently seems not to be possible to insert links in Firefox (at least if your text becomes longer than your textarea).

Last but not least, the editor creates some strange styles when pasting text from another editor. The resulting markup is not cleaned up correctly which is the reason why Symphony fails to save an entry from time to time. The markup is cleaned up when the editor is first loaded - so hitting the save button more than once (which reloads the page) solves the problem in most cases.

As you see, all in all this extension is not ready for production.

Sorry for invoking old topic, but I’ve got solution to czheng problem with everythings wrapped into curly bracers and lack of icons in wymeditor.

The key problem here is wrong url to your media (js/css/img). I was able to fix it after prepending “www” to my media dir.

Btw, I’m Django guy, so I did that trick on Django. But the problem is same here.


Would be very interested in knowing how you got the TinyMCE interface to output the surrounding markup..i.e p in top left corner etc..

Tried to do this but it wasn’t happy when I pressed enter, it jumped back to top of interface and started a new P tag at the top!

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