
Time to fix the version number in the README. :-)

I updated the readme, but GitHub is a bit slow tonight.

GitHub is a bit slow tonight

How odd ;)

Ah, I see. So I am faster than GitHub! Hurra!

Just installed and so far, plenty of win inside :)

Version 1.1

“Dieses war der erste Streich, doch der zweite folgt sogleich.”

These seem to be my productive weeks.
Here is version 1.2 adding support for data source grouping (calendar view):

This is a brilliant extension. I see it being very useful for people who want to run limited campaigns and content through the site.

I assume you could just show content that has been assigned a date range in this extension.

I assume you could just show content that has been assigned a date range in this extension.

Yes, this is possible.

Does date filtering use time as well? I am not sure if this has ever been implemented into Symphony.

No, currently it doesn’t. What would be your preferred syntax? Something like:

2009-08-26 10:00 to 2009-08-26 16:00

It would be possible to implement that (though it would complicate things even more - all those filter options …). But I’m not sure if I’ll have a look into it soon as I personally don’t need this feature at the moment and my time is a little limited. If you’d like to add it yourself, __parseFilter(), __buildSimpleFilterSQL() and __buildRangeFilterSQL() take care of the filter logic.

@nils: I’ve just added this to one of my projects and it works fantastically—thanks again, mate. Plus datasource grouping makes it even better :p

This extension is very useful for adding special offers to merchants websites.

Time filtering would be awesome for more advanced features, e.g. it could be used for online marketplace websites which allow users to decide when their auction ends. In this case it would not be so useful to end it at midnight.

@ Nils:

I was unsure if this have ever made its way into Symphony. Would be a nice feature for creating future entries. You could say “it will be online at 01:00 PM. Rather cool.

No, currently it doesn’t. What would be your preferred syntax?

I was thinking about like this:

1971-01-01 00:00 to {$now}

Wouldn’t this be absolutely logical? (We make our authors users input data and time in date fields, but at the moment the time has no impact on filter results.)

So this might be a useful Symphony core feature to be used in extensions lateron

Hello! For some reason I’m can’t enable this extension, even on a fresh Symphony 2.0.6 install. Is there any particular requirement that must be met in order for this extension to be installed?

Thanks! :)

No, it should just work out of the box. Are you able to install other extensions or do you get any error reports in your Symphony log?

Here’s what’s inside the main.log file:

WARNING: 512 - MySQL Error (1136): Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 in query "INSERT INTO `sym_extensions` 
                VALUES (NULL, 'datetime', 'enabled', 1,2)" in file C:Programmixampphtdocssymphonysymphonylibtoolkitclass.mysql.php on line 401

And, yep, I’m not able to install every extension I want to. Most of them do work normally, though.

I think you should post this on Symphony’s bug tracker.

Could this be a localisation problem? There are four fields in the sym_extensions table: id, name, status and version. Your SQL statement appears to have five: NULL, ‘datetime’, ‘enabled’, 1,2

But could 1,2 actually be 1.2 but using the European comma instead of decimal point?

Does this work in Safari 4?

I don’t see how the calendar thing is useful as nothing happens when I click anything, plus what is the ALT supposed to do.

Good guess, nickdunn! I changed my machine settings for date/number formatting from italian (european) to english, and the extension was installed correctly.

I’m gonna report this on the bug tracker, thanks for your help!

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