

I see in the demo how it should work in Safari 4 also, but for me it doesn’t. The jQuery is added via the extension right?

Is this a bug? I want to check before I submit it to the Bug Tracker.

Nick, I’m sorry but what exactly is your question? I don’t know how to help you if you just say that it’s not working …

Oh right, thought I did.

Well basically when I open up the entry page and try to setup a range - by pressing alt, nothing happens. And even when I am just clicking on the dates to select a single date nothing happens.

I have the default settings, and it shows the calendar boxes in this format: 28/08/2009

Do you get any javascript errors or do you have other fields using jQuery UI?

The only other extensions I have installed are:

Calendar Overlay Field Number

There are 6 warnings in the console. error console

I’d guess there might be an incompatibility with the calendar overlay as both use the same date library. Could you please disable this extension to see if this is the source of the problem?

Yeah, it works now once that has been disabled.

I’ll check that tomorrow.

No worries. Glad I can help with making the extension better - if only by flagging up potential errors.

Awesome extension! I’ll be updating a website to utilize its date range ability. And since you are a historian, I feel it’s relevant to ask you where you were when I needed this 12 month ago?! Cheers.

Nick, if you want to use both extensions in the same section, please uncomment line 35 in /extension/calendaroverlay/extension.driver.php for the moment which adds the datejs library for the Calendar Overlay extension.

I need to think about a few changes for the Date and Time field until I will push some changes to GitHub.

One question: Is there a particular reason or feature why you’d like to use both – overlay and date/time field – as they do nearly the same things (besides the range feature).

No reason, just I had the other one installed, and then I discovered your extension.

This is absolutely fantastic!

Can anyone provide an example for a Filter that would retrieve all entries for a given month?

EDIT: Nevermind, I looked at the source code and all you have to do is type {$year}-{$month} to get all the events in the month. So intuitive!

Nils -

I know this is a ridiculous question, but I’m having a hard time getting my head right to know how to use this extension properly. Would you mind posting an example on how this extension can be used or how you have used it?

Thanks for your help!

@bzerangue: I’ve just started using this for this event calendar on the Museum of Australian Democracy site. They have events that (potentiall) occur on multiple dates/times and this extension makes that a piece of cake. Previously I had to have a separate section specifically for dates and do some annoying $ds-output-param magic to get multiple dates; no longer!

@Makenosound: First off, the Museum of Austrailian Democracy is amazing! Both this version, and the version you did before. Very cool!

Actually, I’m looking to do a similar thing with my events. I have many events that reoccur and instead of having to copy and paste entries.

@bzerangue: Well, you could create event calendars with repeating dates or date ranges. And of course you can use this to hide or show entries for a certain time.

Small suggestion, I just noticed that in the Symphony backened when you have the date/time field as a visible column, and have a range in place, it does a bit of nice formatting with:

from 29 August 2009 7:00 pm to 29 August 2009 10:30 pm

To tweak this behaviour, what about omitting the second date if it was on the same day? So the output would become

29 August 2009 7:00 - 10:30 pm

Or something similar?


I found a bug today to do with events having multiple dates. After saving the field condenses to just ‘Add new date’ and when it’s clicked it doesn’t do anything.

The section has the date/time field set to allow multiples and I’m using the latest version from github. I’ve tried enabling/disabling.

Any ideas?

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