
Latest from master branch of both

In this case ... it is strange. I'm using both of them as well without above problems. One still check to do: does sym_entries_data_167 contain handle-en column?

No ..

So when I add languages to the preferences, shouldn't it add columns? or do I need to manually add other language columns ..

Well, MF should add all languages that are set by Language Redirect on preferences page. Strange thing though ...

@into: Yes, MF should add the needed columns, I'm so busy but I will try to find some time to check what happens. Did you try to consolidate data? This option force the column generation and delete de columns of the old languages.

Hmm .. consolidate sends me this error

Table 'sante.sym_entries_data_130' doesn't exist


I think you should take each sym_entries_data_xxx table and make sure xxx corresponds to the field it is supposed to hold data for. Perhaps, somehow, your indexes are gone mad?


I think that's exactly right, but I don't know how to do that .. Could you just list a couple points about how to begin that process? I'm not sure that I know the data relationships

In sym_fields you have all fields from all sections. Each field is identified by id column. Type column tells you the type of the field. Field settings for id can be found in sym_fields_<type> at field_id. Field data for each entry can be found in sym_entries_data_<id>.

Is there any such thing as multilingual image

Is there any such thing as multilingual image

Well, I'm finishing it :) stay tuned.


It's here.

Awesome !

Maybe you should try adding the languages from the back-end of Language Redirect... as the extension does some database tweaks if not mistaken when you post the new settings.

I am experiencing a strange issue with this field. After adding to my sections the language tabs are missing the labels? The correct tabs are created and seem to function but the actual label is missing from the html?

@muthahubbard: Yes, really strage issue, neve see it before. Wich versions of symphony and feild are you using? Are you using the correct versions of Language Redirect extension?

Hey @guillem_l the problem was caused by declaring the langauge codes using capital letters EN, FR etc...

@guillem_l: I just sent a pull request. Some fixes regarding Symphony 2.3

I rewrote this from scratch, based on Text Box :) check v2.0 in my pull request.

It should be pretty stable now. Didn't notice critical bugs.

Multilingual Field updated to version 2.0 on 4th of June 2012

Had some upgrade issues from 2.2.5 to 2.3. Is that upgrade possible?
Here is the error I'm getting

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