
Can you describe all the steps you have taken?

In sym_fields, the multilingual fields have type set to multilingual or multilingual_textbox?

All fields with type multilingual should be multilingual_textbox. If they're not, do the change manually and post back.

None of them were changed .. changing now ..

It does look like it solved this portion of my upgrade issues.

Thank you.

Hi all, great extension, I’ve been using it a lot in the past however I have come across a problem with the most recent version for 2.3, back on 2.2.5 I used this extension alongside Page LHandles and Language Redirect to make my sites multilingual and it worked perfectly,

The most recent versions of this extension and Page LHandles are dependent on the Frontend Localisation extension which is where my problems begin, Frontend Localisation seems to want to add its own method of translation which is effecting Multilingual Text Box, Page LHandles and Language Redirect from working together,

There seems to be a bit of a chain reaction here, any help in getting this to work similar to the 2.2.5 method I was using would be much appreciated, Thanks.

There are some changes in multilingual sites since 2.3. From 2.3 onward Frontend Localisation takes over the language management (Language Redirect did partially in 2.2.x). You will need to install latest versions of these extensions and all will be fine:

Frontend Localisation
FLang detection gTLDs
Page LHandles
any Multilingual *** extension

Next, set the languages on Preferences page, under Frontend Localisation and update your XSLT code to use the new resources this extension provides. This extension is available since 2.2.x and multilingual stuff started relying on it ever since.

hi, i'm using Multilingual Text 1.4 and Rich Text (TinyMCE) 2.0.

when i try to put some é in my text field symphony callback loadXML(): Entity 'Eacute' not defined in Entity.

What can i do too fix it ?


p.s. I use symphony 2.2.5

Thats vladG, Got it working great now.

Got it working great now.

Glad to hear.

when i try to put some é in my text field symphony callback loadXML(): Entity 'Eacute' not defined in Entity.

most named entities won't work. try É or, i believe, just rely on the utf-8 encoding to display a raw é without using an entity at all. someone may need to correct me on this.

Hi, could you please give me an advice? This is sort of critical to me. I have the latest multilingual_field installed and realized that datasource sorting by this field type stopped to work.

It works with pure text box field, but not with multilingual version.

The earlier multilingual_field, which did not extend on text box, worked ok. But with the upgrade to Symphony 2.3 its based only on text box.

I dont know where to report this correctly.

Thanks for any ideas.

What exactly doesn't work? How does the filter look like?

I have a section with a title multilingual_field among others available field types. A datasource take these entries and is set up to order them by title. And that does not work. It stays in some unknown order to me, its not even by entries system id.

Also, column sorting at symphony's backend does not work at this field type column.

I red something about changing the sorting style of text box in version 2.3, maybe its that, but I don't know.

It worked before - in Symphony 2.2.5, now its upgraded to 2.3 - but also another site I am preparing, which is 2.3 from the start, has this issue with sorting.

Adding some screens. Hope I gave relevant info. Will attach more if needed. Thanks very much.

ScreenShot668.png and ScreenShot667.png

And yes, also Nick's Publish Filtering extension does not work on this field as before in 2.2.5. It does not recognizes the actual content of the multilingual field, but rather their "language" options.

Adding screens of before, and in 2.3.

ScreenShot669 now.png and ScreenShot670 before.png

Hmm, it can be from publish filtering. It has some problems with 2.3. Try disabling it and see if it works. So far I used Multilingual Field with 2.3 without any filtering and sorting issues.

To disable Publish Filtering helped for one click (but thats kind of strange and I am not sure now), but now it is as before.

If you say yours work well and it could be with some other extensions, I will make a clean test install of 23 with ML support only and will see, because I use more ext in that project. Actually, here's a list (please see attached picture).

Adding also a screenshot from the web's frontend. The categories on the left should be sorted by title and also the photos should be ordered by their name in ABC manner. The web is in the making, so I can't post it directly for now. But I could send you some access to email.

EDIT: The birds categories in the picture looks ordered because of their system ids, not their names as it is set up in coresponding datasource.

ScreenShot669.png and extensions-symphony-temp.png

Just pushed a fix that solve the publish filtering compatibility and sorting issue.

@vladG: Could you review the fix of publish filtering compatibility and check if it is necessary to propagate it to other multilingual fields, I have to use it in the Multilingual Tag field too.

Hmm, very odd. It seems sorting was implemented when 2.0 was released. It must have been remove by mistake at a later date. Good to know it's working.

hello @vladG, could you take a look at here?

appears that Multilingual Field prevents Upload Field to delete files on the server

I think I don't have any problem with upload field but I will check.

Anyone had issues when updating from version 1 to version 2 of this? I have a feeling that the update script is missing some queries - which I added manually. If someone could confirm this I'll submit a pull request. Mainly talking about value-formatted & word-count seemingly missing from every multilingual table but are required when saving entries.

No problems so far.

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