S3 Upload Field
This is an open discussion with 109 replies, filed under Extensions.
@brendo updated field, https://github.com/symphonists/s3upload_field. It seems to be working for me.
Thanks, seems like other stuff was update as well
Love this extension.
Feature Idea: Add Progress Indicator to this extension
It would be great to have a basic progress indicator with this extension. Since many people use S3 to hold larger documents, or audio, or video. It would be nice to have a progress indicator to show the progress of the upload.
I added this feature request as an issue to the Repository.
I added a comment to your request on Github.
@michael-e - Thank you for the feedback.
Hi All
Has anyone used the S3 Upload Field recently? It doesn't seem to work with the latest version of Symphony (2.6.11). I am just trying to gauge how much work is required to get it back on track.
It throws a white screen for me when I try and edit any section once the field is installed.
Update. Jon Mifsud has a working version so I'll get this working and publish an update.
...so I'll get this working and publish an update.
That would be great! I updated an older project recently and couldn't get version 0.9 running too, so I sticked with 0.8.1 (which seems to work as expected in Symphony 2.6.7).
S3 file upload with Symphony CMS and Dropzone JS
Building an AJAX file upload with progress bar using Symphony CMS
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This field does not work in its current state. There is a pull request on Github from months ago that fixes the issue of the field not even being addable to a section. There is another problem where entries cannot be saved. I hacked my own copy to check
, but I don't know if that is the right method. I'm surprised no one on here is using AWS for their Symphony deployments.