
2.3.2 and Email Template Manager has operated wonderfully for me since 2.3.2 came out except when I attempt to do a template match other than "/" (although I think that's my problem). You might try < > for the email address.

Subject: Account Update: {/data/accountemail/entry/name}

Recipients: <{/data/accountemail/entry/updateby}>

Also in your form method action insert ?debug ie

<form method="post" action="?debug" enctype="multipart/form-data">

Nick Dunn mentioned this in a post I saw.

You might try < > for the email address.

No, you only need this if you also include a name.

except when I attempt to do a template match other than "/"

Really? Sounds strange to me.

It sends the html email, but the email has the name of the section at the top and the event information at the bottom. Also when I try to view the template, the following error appears:

extensions/emailtemplatemanager/lib/class.emailtemplate.php around line 100

Symphony Fatal Error: XPath matching failed. Number of returned values in queries do not match

i have now done a new installation with 2.3.2 downloaded form here: and the ETM Version 2.3x from here:

the conifg ist the same like the working 2.3 install but under 2.3.2 it does not work. I can generate the Entry but i can't send the mail

<message>Entry created successfully.</message>
            <filter name="etm-response-notification" status="failed">Sender email address cannot be empty.</filter>
            <filter name="etm-response-thankyou" status="failed">Sender email address cannot be empty.</filter>

so what do you diffrent?

Sorry for being so honest, but your template is terrible. It will not produce valid HTML at all. You have no HTML <head> element, there is content outside of the body and a <style> element inside the body.

Nevertheless emails should be sent. Have you tried the step-by-step approach that I posted? Please do this. Debugging always means taking small steps. We can't help you if you try and do it all in one step (including the risk of simple typos or similar).

the conifg ist the same like the working 2.3 install

Have you verified this manually or electronically (by actually comparing the files with an editor)?

So please go step by step:

That i have done.

Forget the Reply-To for the moment. (ETM is sending emails even if this email address is missing.)

Try a static, valid email address first.

Alredy Tested – Does not work in 2.3.2 . But works under Symphony 2.3

Next, try a "dynamic" address (XPath)

Does not work in 2.3.2. But works under Symphony 2.3

Try an author's username

Does not work in 2.3.2. But works under Symphony 2.3

Nevertheless emails should be sent. Have you tried the step-by-step approach that I posted? Please do this. Debugging always means taking small steps. We can't help you if you try and do it all in one step (including the risk of simple typos or similar).

Jep i know that

the conifg ist the same like the working 2.3 install Have you verified this manually or electronically (by actually comparing the files with an editor)?

First step was new blank install. Than step by step install with the tutorial delivered with the plugin.

Secound step was take both installs side by side and look from field to field if everything is the same.

Third step was download workspace and open both folders in BBEdit and look if there is something different. jep it is the "data.responses.php" is different. so i replaced this file with that one from the working install.

Test again sending mail - does not work.

then i replaced the hole workspace folder for test. same error result.

the only thing it could be that i have an other version of Email Template Manager than you? I have v 4.1

No, I have the same version 4.1 (from the 2.3.x branch).

I am lost.

What is your PHP version? (I tested on 5.3.15).

@Michael-e Can you install 2.3.x branch without using git?

Edit: removed git commands for uploading 2.3.x branch. My ignorance has shown as I've not seen the zip button before. It's been reflected multiple emails I've sent up to this point.

Can you install 2.3.x branch without using git?

Why should it make any difference? Indeed downloading the ZIP from GitHub results in exactly the same files. (Yes, I verified that.)

guys i know where the error is :-) it is inside the lib/toolkit/email-gateways folder :-) but i dont know what has changed i will compare in BBEdit!

Please do that and post your findings!

BTW, I love comparing folders and files with BBEdit. :-) It's not my main editor, but "Find Differences..." is a real killer feature.

Error found it is the email.sendmail.php i don't use smtp its line 32 to35

in symphony 2.3.2

    public function __construct(){

in symphony 2.3

    public function __construct() {
        $this->setSenderEmailAddress(Symphony::Configuration()->get('from_address', 'email_sendmail') ? Symphony::Configuration()->get('from_address', 'email_sendmail') : 'noreply@' . HTTP_HOST);
        $this->setSenderName(Symphony::Configuration()->get('from_name', 'email_sendmail') ? Symphony::Configuration()->get('from_name', 'email_sendmail') : 'Symphony');

i have tested that and if i replace it works until i move it back it doesn't work...

Yes, obviously this code has been cleaned up and the fallback for missing senders has been removed. One might argue about that.

But this simply means that your sender address is empty (which shouldn't be the case). If emails are sent in S 2.3, they must be from noreply@... (the fallback address). Haven't you noticed that?

Yes, obviously this code has been cleaned up and the fallback for missing senders has been removed. One might argue about that.

But this simply means that your sender address is empty (which shouldn't be the case). If emails are sent in S 2.3, they must be from noreply@... (the fallback address). Haven't you noticed that?

i saw that but i thought, not important at the moment. but wouldn't be good to ask for that e-mail adress in the install gui? small thing big discussion :-/ sorry for that now it works well!

Wow, glad that we got this sorted now. Maybe I should have seen that your main problem was the sender (and not the recipient stuff). But it's hard sometimes to see the obvious. Thanks for your patience!

Are utilities suppose to work with the html templates?

Also, do page variables and page parameters work with the preview?

EDIT: 2.3.x branch

Are utilities suppose to work with the html templates?

Yes. But you have to use the correct relative path, e.g. ../../utilities/email.master.xsl.

Also, do page variables and page parameters work with the preview?

The template is not a page, but some of the common page paremeters are "injected" here as well. The preview's ?debug view will reveal them, but it's broken in the 2.3.x branch with Symphony 2.3.x. You might however use an xsl:copy-of in your template to see them in the template preview.

Regarding your own variables and parameters: Yes, you can use them. The ETM involves a complete XSLT transformation, so you can use everything you use for Symphony pages.

Thank you. Honesty is always appreciated since it leads me to ask better questions.

Welcome all set for tutorials, but will not be sent to e-mail the text of the message. What could it be? In the control panel itself symphony everything works.

<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:value-of select="/data/responses/entry/name" /> sey:
<xsl:value-of select="/data/respones/entry/body" /> - in my email tho empty!

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