
I developed a collection of XSLT form utilities for Members which will save you a lot of time if you try and integrate Members in your website:

The utility is awesome Michael, thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much for sharing, Michael.

Very cool Michael, Thank you!

Thanks, guys!

I guess the only problem I see with that idea is what I already mentioned.. the password requirement for registration forms. Anyone know of any other road blocks, or maybe if working around this one is possible or not before I start attempting this?

@XBleed That was bug #133, the Member: Password field should be optional, and this is now the case, so it should be possible to implement the workflow you have described.

@michael-e Nice job, you should work this into the Members Wiki :)

As for those curious, a Release Candidate isn't far away, there is only a couple of UX and housekeeping issues that need to be resolved. For those attempting to implement this extension, the Members Wiki should be your first port of call.

If there's any improvements or omissions, please let us know.

love the members extension :)

One question: When people register from the front end, how do I define a default role ? With an hidden field ? Is there another solution?

Thanks for all ! Cheers

@michael-e : thanks a lot for the members forms utilities ! Awesome job !

The Default Role is set on your Member: Role field in the Section Editor.

Using the Lock: Role filter is useful from a security perspective as it prevents your user from DOM hacking to a different role (although still difficult as the Role field accepts an ID, not a handle like normal Select Box fields).

@michael-e : thanks a lot for the members forms utilities ! Awesome job !

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your feedback, and I am glad to see that these utilities are actually used in the wild. :-)

Spontaneous Login Break?

Has anyone else had the members extension (beta 3) working and then went to login and now no users can log in? When I post from the login form I get this event data. I haven't changed the form in weeks so this seems spontaneous:

    <member-login-info logged-in="no" result="error">

It is also interesting that the password in the xml debug is unencrypted.

My form html is as follows:

<form action="" name="form" id="form" class=" prepend-2 prepend-top span-10 column" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
  <fieldset id="form-wrap" class="span-8 column first last"> 
    <h2 class="span-8 column first last">Please Login</h2> 
    <div class="span-8 column"> 
      <div xmlns="" id="wrap-username" class="input-field-wrap rounded span-7 column"> 
        <label class="span-8 column " for="">Username</label> 
        <br /> 
        <input id="username" name="fields[username]" type="text" class="text span-7 column" /> 
      <hr xmlns="" class="space" /> 
      <div xmlns="" id="wrap-password" class="input-field-wrap rounded span-7 column"> 
        <label class="span-8 column " for="">Password</label> 
        <br /> 
        <input id="password" name="fields[password]" type="password" class="password span-7 column" /> 
      <input xmlns="" id="field-redirect" name="fields[redirect]" type="hidden" value="/dashboard" /> 
    <div xmlns="" id="submit-member-action[login]" class="submit-button submit-login span-6 column first last prepend-top"> 
      <input name="member-action[login]" type="submit" value="login" class="span-6 column first last" onclick=" jQuery('div#loading').fadeIn(500);" /> 
    <input xmlns="" id="field-id" name="id" type="hidden" value="" /> 
<input xmlns="" id="field-id" name="id" type="hidden" value="" />

Does removing that fix the issue?

Does removing that fix the issue?

Unfortunately, it does not fix the issue.

Odd. Is this a Beta 3 tagged release, or straight from the integration branch?

The Default Role is set on your Member: Role field in the Section Editor.

Thanks for the answer brendo

I try to build a registration form to register from the frontend and if i don't add a "role" field (hidden), I get every time the error : "'role' is a required field". Any idea how to make the role implicit when submitting the form ?

Sorry to bother with my questions :P and thanks again !

@clemsos Are you using any filters on your Register event? Does the result change if you make the Member: Role field not required in the Section Editor?

I can't say I've come across this one before, but I will check it out ASAP

@wjnielsen Something else that I noticed is that you have fields[redirect], this should just be redirect to get the desired effect of redirecting to /dashboard on successful login. Does removing the onclick javascript have any effect?

@brendo :

Solved !

I just add the Members:Lock role filter and it solved the problem. Sorry, I didn't see it. I still pretty new to Symphony ! NB : I don't have the "Make this a required field" option in the Members:Role field.

Just another question.

I want Members to submit entries from the front end, so I have to keep track of who wrote it. What is the best way to store the member-login-info ID when they submit content? in a field? is there a specific field type (like the Author field, but for Members)?

Thanks again !

There's not one specific field, but you have a couple of options. Say you have a comments section and a members section, if you add a select box link field to the comments section and point it at your member section, in your event you can give the sbl field the $member-id value which will link it to the member record. Although adding that filter fixed your issue, it shouldn't be required, so I'll have a look into that bug :)


thanks for the answer ! I'll try it tomorrow

Odd. Is this a Beta 3 tagged release, or straight from the integration branch?

This is my current git status to which I've also done a git revert:

commit 7264942386e799e79a6e64bfdb636a0180619142
Author: Brendan Abbott <>
Date:   Thu May 19 23:35:37 2011 +1000

    Add Email Template to the Reset Password event. Fixes #139

I'm checking into the onclick and redirect now.


Removing the onclick did not alter the outcome. Here is my updated form markup:

<form action="" name="form" id="form" class=" prepend-2 prepend-top span-10 column" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
  <fieldset id="form-wrap" class="span-8 column first last"> 
    <h2 class="span-8 column first last">Please Login</h2> 
    <div class="span-8 column"> 
      <div xmlns="" id="wrap-username" class="input-field-wrap rounded span-7 column"> 
        <label class="span-8 column " for="">Username</label> 
        <br /> 
        <input id="username" name="fields[username]" type="text" class="text span-7 column" /> 
      <hr xmlns="" class="space" /> 
      <div xmlns="" id="wrap-password" class="input-field-wrap rounded span-7 column"> 
        <label class="span-8 column " for="">Password</label> 
        <br /> 
        <input id="password" name="fields[password]" type="password" class="password span-7 column" /> 
    <div xmlns="" id="submit-member-action[login]" class="submit-button submit-login span-6 column first last prepend-top"> 
      <input name="member-action[login]" type="submit" value="login" class="span-6 column first last" onclick=" jQuery('div#loading').fadeIn(500);" /> 
    <input xmlns="" id="field-redirect" name="redirect" type="hidden" value="/dashboard" /> 

Thank you for spotting the issue with the redirect (not fields[redirect]).

I have also cleared the database sym_cache table with no improvement.

Possible Precedent

Is Bauhouse's post related to this? It sounds similar.

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