Sitemap XML
This is an open discussion with 50 replies, filed under Extensions.
touchstone, superminge, pixelninja... this man has more pseudonyms than a porn star!
porn stars everywhere are jealous.
But if I could, I would change my username to pixelninja. And I don't want to create another account, that's just lame.
Thanks for getting on to this, have you changed the extension's page here on the site too?
Cool cheers, right, now on to those porn stars.....
I've just installed this for the first time, and it's only displaying the homepage in the XML.
Is there anything I'm not doing that would cause this? Also, how would I display all of my entries?
The words RTFM are best placed here.
Ok, done it. This extension is great! It makes this so much easier!
Quick question though, how often does it update the physical sitemap.xml file?
I haven't plugged it into entry adding/updating yet... That's on the cards but I need to do some research into it.
So at the moment, it will refresh the xml file everytime you refresh the system->sitemap page. But will still need to be pinged after refreshing if you want to update Google/Bing/Yahoo.
Sitemap XML
updated to version 2.1.3
on 19th of January 2012
- Removed the
field. The date will now be dynamically added. - Removed Yahoo from the ping options. It is has merged with Bing.
Please note!! I have created another extension to coincide with this one called Sitemap XML Ping. It allows for auto pinging on a specified section.
I have kept it separate because not everyone will want this and I don't want to clog up the preferences page unnecessarily with masses of fields!
Does this Extension handle Multilingual Sitemaps at all?
I beleive the answer is yes. I just have installed this extension (Sitemap XML) on my site which is in Russian and uses the UTF-8 encoding.
I used "datasource pinning" for minerals and articles to include all their sub-pages, normally accessed by the URL handles.
You can see the result here:
As you can see all the page handles look fine! I think I like this extension. Many thanks to the author!
P.S. (3 weeks later). Sorry, but the link above will not show cyrillic characters anymore. - I've found information, that non-ASCII chars are not allowed in the sitemap.xml files. So, I redesigned my site in a way that all the links are now in English (just used an extra field in the sections which I named 'url-handle').
Just found that Yandex complains at my sitemap.xml.
It occured that all the "pinned" sub-pages are assigned the negative priority values (-0.20 to be specific).
I'm not a php guru, so, as a quick fix, I just have replaced the line 109:
$priority = number_format($page['priority'] - '0.20', 2, '.', ','); with $priority = number_format( '0.30', 2, '.', ',');
Yea it's currently set to take dynamically created entries and give them a value of parent page value - 0.20. Which worked in all my previous use cases. But not so much now.
I have a few things on my to do list with this extension, so hopefully will get some time in the near future to amend them. I'm getting married in 2weeks though so I don't see that happening until after then.
Sitemap XML
updated to version 2.2
on 22nd of June 2012
- compatibility with Symphony 2.3
- fixed the -20 bug
I've got a URL structure that looks like this for my blog:
and like this for work projects:
I've got no problem with the work projects page – I pinned my workprojects datasource to my work:projects page with the relative URL '/{title/@handle}' and everything worked.
I did the same with my blogview datasource/blog:view page, but it doesn't work (the XML element is definitely 'title').
This is in Symphony 2.2.5
Any help much appreciated.
This isn't in relation to the Sitemap XML extension is it? You need to log this as a separate thread.
Yeah – the problem I'm having is with the Sitemap XML extension, but I see that that wasn't very clear.
I'm talking about the Sitemap XML generator page, where you can pin a data source to a page in order to pick up entries. I have it working fine for one section of my site (work), but not for the blog section.
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crap I knew I forgot something! I changed my account name last night, what with the...unprofessional nature of my old one ;)
I was meaning to change them all on here, but got side tracked at work. Typical.
Very sorry for the inconvenience designermonkey. You can find my extensions under the username pixelninja, and the sitemap extension here