Sitemap XML
This is an open discussion with 50 replies, filed under Extensions.
does the blog:view page have the correct page type? default is sitemap
It does, yes.
I figured out my problem – the blogview datasource I mentioned above deals with individual entries (to be displayed on the blog:view page, 404-ing if no entries are found). After I updated to Symphony 2.3 and tried again with Sitemap XML using my settings above, I got an error "Class 'FrontendPageNotFoundException' not found" which, upon Googling, revealed that I should be using a blog index-style datasource, not one that delivers only one entry and redirects if none are found.
I don't think I've explained this very well, but suffice it to say that my issue's resolved.
I'm having the same issue as rcg. I have a datasource article, and a page Articles and so for the relative url I'm using '/articles/{article-title}/'. I'm using the newest version 2.3 from a clean install, no upgrade and I'm getting the error:
Fatal error: Class 'FrontendPageNotFoundException' not found in dir/sympho/lib/toolkit/class.datasource.php on line 243
Any ideas on what this could be? By the way, articles, is just the default blogs page renamed.
Hi ars265, does the data source you're using return only one result, 404-ing if none are found? That was my issue. I think you should be using a data source that returns a list of your articles, rather than one article at a time.
@davidpmccormick, ha ha, well I don't know, at the moment I only have one article. I'll put something in and check it out. Also, is there something I need to to in order access the sitemap.xml file? When I go to I get the 404 page even though it exists.
Is there any way to automate the creation of the sitemap.xml when new entries are added? I'm thinking specifically for use with a blog metaphor, where you might create a new post that you wish to appear in your sitemap immediately without the hassle of navigating over to the System/Sitemap XML page.
Other than that I love the flexibility of the extension.
I created a complementary extension Sitemap XML Ping which allows you to select a section that will be updated regularly. It will update the sitemap.xml file and ping it when entries are updated, added and deleted (although deleted is only available in 2.3 due to a new delegate being introduced).
If you don't want it to ping, only update, then you could just modify the extension and remove the cURL call.
note that for 2.3, you will need to checkout the development branch. It will only take a single section currently, I need to do some work on it. Might have an extension development day today....
Ah that sounds ideal, thanks - as it would only be for certain content (blog being an obvious candidate) - so admittedly makes sense to limit it to sections.
Multiple sections would definitely be a plus though, but I don't see automatic pinging being a problem.
I'm going to be doing some offline updates on a site over the weekend, so will give this a spin.
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Ah ok, sorry then.