
2.3 compatibility is on its way indeed, I am just having a very hard time getting the filter UI to work in 2.3. Can anyone give me some pointers on where I am missing that important class or element? The 2.3 branch is as far as I can get right now.


Ok, with some very ugly trickery I finally got the UI to work. I'll need to run a few more tests, but I think the 2.3 release won't be long now.

edit: on my machine everything is running smoothly, but I will give Michael a chance to break things before really releasing a new version. For now: checkout the 2.3 branch on github: it should do the trick.

And break, Michael will. In Michael we trust.

Yes. If you want to be absolutely, positively sure software does not have bugs: let michael have it for a few minutes. So, let's wait.

OK, I will try and break it. But don't blame it on me if it takes longer than just a few minutes. In this case it's Huib's fault!

Great extension...! Unfortunately, I'm having some trouble setting up a mailing list.
I uploaded a CSV file through the Import/Export CSV extension, all went well, save the latest round. I get this error

Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch() on a non-object in /Users/max/Sites/Mysite/extensions/emailnewslettermanager/lib/class.recipientsourcesection.php on line 171

when clicking on Newsletter recipients.

Is there a way to undo and get back to the previous state?


What version of Symphony and the ENM are you using?

That's 2.3 / 1.1 Thanks

Thank you, I'll dive into it.

I've narrowed the issue down in the code (I hope), but I have not been able to reproduce the issue. I'll be pushing my changes in a few minutes as 1.1.1, please take a look to see if this fixes your problems.

Just found now that for many of the addresses I uploaded via the csv importer the email was missing (I was using the cms as a general users repository)... hth

Well, that shouldn't really make a difference. The extension is built such that it will list all the addresses, and just say "Invalid" if the email is missing. Can you please pull the latest changes to see if the error goes away?

I'm currently trying to set up the 2.3-Branch of this extension in a S2.3-Install and everything works fine except that sending emails won't work.

The logfile shows the following error every time I hit the "Send"-Button:

Call to undefined method SendmailGateway::openConnection() in file: .../extensions/email_newsletter_manager/lib/class.emailnewsletter.php on line 173

The same for SMTP - Both Connections work fine if I send mails directly through the ETM-Event.

I have no idea if this might be caused by my server-setup or if it happens due to the fact that ENM doesn't really support S2.3 yet... would be great if anyone could give me a hint on this. Thanks!

Have you really checked out the 2.3 branch of ENM?

Found it! You will need at least Symphony 2.3.1beta2.

(This is due to the implementation of persistent connections.)

Thanks alot michael! As the final 2.3.1 seems to be just around the corner I'm gonna wait 'til monday to update the project. Will let you know if that did the trick...

Fingers crossed. :-) No, just kidding. It will.

Ok... no final 2.3.1 yet :(
But RC1 did a good job and fixed the problem mentioned above - Thanks Michael!

But while sending the first bunch of emails I ran into another problem:
While the "X-Original-To: XXX" takes the right mail-adresses from my recipient-datasource (section-based) the adress shown via "To: XXX" always shows the previous one in line... this only happens if I send via SMTP. Sendmail shows the right recipients.

Besides that little problem I'm also unable to edit dynamic recipientgroups with my current setup (S2.3.1RC1 / ENM2.3-Branch) - the page always shows blank and the logfile shows no errormessages.

ps: should these infos better be posted on github? I'm not sure about that, as my combination of multiple unreleased versions may not be an official bug...

Yes, please post these issues on GitHub. The extension should be compatible with the Symphony RC. (Thanks for asking!)

Short note on the second issue: I can not replicate it. Please enable the display of PHP errors (by adding php_value display_errors 1 or similar to the .htaccess file) and see what happens.

What a bummer! Indeed we have a bug with the new persistent connections feature in 2.3.1(RC1) when sending emails using SMTP. Obviously the "To"-header is not set correctly.

BTW: The "X-Original-To" header is set by your email server, not by Symphony — this is why it is correctly stating the recipient address.

I hope that it can be fixed soon.

[EDIT]: Posted issue on GitHub

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