

Strange thing is that after installing it works, but after installing some extensions, building some pages etc it stops. When I made a change described above it start working again.

Hm, do you have any errors in your JavaScript console or in your Symphony logs that are related to Mediathek? It may also be possible that another extensions that uses JavaScript is producing errors that prevent Mediathek from working as expected.

No I don’t have any errors. On admin pages that I use Mediathek it’s the only extension that adds javascript to header.

Okay - then something in the Mediathek code seems to be wrong. What are the exact steps to recreate this issue?

I have another problem, not sure it is already mentioned somewhere ;)

When I put two mediatheks into one section, the first mediathek loses it’s entries?

I’m using symph 2.0.6. and MediaThek 2.0

When I put two mediatheks into one section, the first mediathek loses it’s entries?

Ouch! What’s your exact Mediathek version?

I have been using multiple instances of Mediathek in Symphony 2.0.6 without problems. So there might be two possible causes:

  1. Something broke with the last updates which focused on Symphony 2.0.7 compatibility.
  2. Another JavaScript based extension is interfering with Mediathek.

I’m guessing the latter.. And perhaps the Map Location (2.0) which also caused issues using the CKEditor, but I will check it out.

Nils, I’ve tried using version 2.0.5 of Mediathek with Symphony 2.0.7 and am getting no love. It appears there is a JS error somewhere along the line that’s breaking things. On a clean install of Symphony 2.0.7 with Mediathek 2.0.5 all I see is the title of the field and no options to create new/select items. The error I’m getting is:

/symphony/assets/admin.js:46TypeError: Result of expression 'string' [undefined] is not an object.

There are also a few other inconsistencies with the Mediathek field under 2.0.7, notably that on the section edit screen it renders all available fields into the “included elements” list before saving the section. Anyone know what might be going on there?

On a clean install of Symphony 2.0.7 with Mediathek 2.0.5 all I see is the title of the field and no options to create new/select items. The error I’m getting is:

This is strange. I’m using the field on a 2.0.7 install and it works all well. Do you have any further information? The error you are getting seems to be a Symphony error, not a Mediathek one.

There are also a few other inconsistencies with the Mediathek field under 2.0.7, notably that on the section edit screen it renders all available fields into the “included elements” list before saving the section. Anyone know what might be going on there?

I’ll have a look at it later this week. It’s probably due to the jQuery 1.4 update or due to the new duplicators.

I just had a look at my own install and both – publish and section area – are working just fine.

All the functionality that seems not to work on your install is JavaScript related. So it might be possible that another extension or a core error breaks JavaScript execution in general. Could you please double-check if this is really a Mediathek issue? Thanks!

Permissions! Check your permissions on the Mediathek field.

I’m experiencing the same, but with other extensions as well (date time field an map location field). After saving the section or entry or even calling the .../saved/page (without post request) everything is working fine until opening the edit page again. So it must be a general javascript issue. Have to investigate.

I think I’ve narrowed it down, it looks as though line 27 of admin.js is incorrect. Instead of:

var search = string.replace(/ /gi, '_');

It should be:

var search = string.replace('/ /gi', '_');

I change that and Mediathek starts working properly for me.

Updating to the latest integration branch version solved all my JS problems. I was still on RC2 when the JS stopped working.

I change that and Mediathek starts working properly for me.

That would break JavaScript based backend localisation. With your changes the script tries to replace the string '/ /gi'with _ while it should execute a regular expression.

This fix should help.

There is a problem when you want to include a textare field in the output of a mediathek field.

Missing argument 4 for fieldTextarea::appendFormattedElement(), called in /Users/klaftertief/Sites/lukascoch/symphony-2/extensions/mediathek/fields/field.mediathek.php on line 517 and defined
/Users/klaftertief/Sites/lukascoch/symphony-2/symphony/lib/toolkit/fields/field.textarea.php line 166

162     private function __replaceAmpersands($value) {
163         return preg_replace('/&(?!(#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-f]+|amp|lt|gt);)/i', '&', trim($value));
164     }
166     public function appendFormattedElement(&$wrapper, $data, $encode = false, $mode) {
168         if ($mode == null || $mode == 'formatted') {
170             if ($this->get('formatter') && isset($data['value_formatted'])) {

So if you are experiencing the same, setting the default value of the $mode-parameter to null by changing

public function appendFormattedElement(&$wrapper, $data, $encode = false, $mode) {


public function appendFormattedElement(&$wrapper, $data, $encode = false, $mode = null) {

in symphony/lib/toolkit/fields/field.textarea.php solved it.

Mediathek 2.1: New interface sneak peek

Closed Mediathek 2.1

Exciting :)

Mediathek 2.1: Extension and plugin structure

Mediathek 2.1 structure

Some questions:

  1. Is there anyone using this field for other uploads than images, e. g. PDF or Word documents?
  2. Is there anyone using this field without an upload field at all?

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