
Nice updates, Nils.

So this is a call for help: I’ve been working on a new version of Mediathek which offers a new interface and makes use of the new JavaScript plugin structure. As mentioned earlier in this thread, the name Mediathek seems no longer appropriate so this extension will be renamed to Subsection Manager. But first of all, the new code needs to be tested thoroughly.

If you have some time and have been using Mediathek before, please download a copy on GitHub. You will need two things:

  1. The Subsection Manager and
  2. Stage

The second one should be added to the lib folder. For those using Git: Stage is implemented as a submodule in the Subsection Manager repository.

The Subsection Manager should be able to do everything the Mediathek does beside the following features that are currently missing:

  • reordering,
  • dragging,
  • disabling of file previews.

Some tips:

  • click on the text to open inline editing
  • click outside the manager to close inline editing
  • click inside the search box to open a list of all item available

If you find bugs or if you have feature requests, please post these on GitHub as their issue tracker offers email notifications.

Keep in mind that the Subsection Manager has not yet been release and should not be used in live environments until then.

Thanks for your help!

If you are testing the Subsection Manager, please don’t use a Date and Time field inside the subsection as this will cause trouble at the moment. Thanks!

And another note: I’m working on a Mac and tested the current code in Safari and Firefox. There has been no Windows testing or Internet Explorer debugging yet.

I’ll try this out later but I just wanted to give you a heads up, if you have VMware Fusion you can link it to your MAMP files by following this guide:

Thanks for the tip. I’m using Parallels and just haven’t found the time to test it under Windows.

You can do the same with Parallels, if memory serves.

I plan on installing it on a subdomain I use for testing Symphony extensions, I’ll let you know if anything explodes.

It would be great if you could try to let things explode ;)

I killed it. I’ve attached a screenshot so you can see what I’m seeing. I’m getting a javascript error:

Error: object.find("div.stage").symphonyStage is not a function
Source File: http://symphony:8888/extensions/subsectionmanager/assets/symphony.subsectionmanager.js
Line: 255

The section it is linked to contains two Textbox fields and a Unique Upload field. I tried linking it to a section that had just two Text Input fields and an Upload field but the same issue persists.

There are no other fields in the Subsection Manger’s section.

I’m running the site locally right now but I’m going to put it online in a few minutes. I’ll report back if anything changes.


That looks like the Stage JavaScript is not present at all. All you currently see are the Mediathek template elements without proper styling.

Can you please check if you find this file in your page head: /extensions/subsectionmanager/lib/stage/symphony.stage.js. If yes: is this file available on your server under this path?

Firstly, confirmed issue when online.

As for the JS file, it’s referencing it but it does not seem to be in the folder. In fact, the Stage folder is empty. I think this was my fault, I saw the folder but never checked if there was anything in it so I never downloaded the GitHub files. I’ve done so now and everything’s fine.

First Bug: Human Error. Good times. However, I think I might have another one. Instead of listing the sections (or letting you restrict them) the sections you can link to are numbered. I’ve attached a PNG so you can see what I mean.


Ah, yes I forgot to mention that the JavaScript for the section settings is not complete yet. I should normally hide those sections that are not selected.

So, yes, it’s a known bug :)

Confirmed, fix works for me.

I’m noticing an issue with the Multi-select to Checkboxes plugin where it tries to hijack some of the elements. I’ve seen this before and it’s an issue with that plugin, I’ll submit the bug report for that. For now I’m just disabling the plugin.

I can confirm that it works in the following browsers:

  • Chrome: Latest developer build on the Mac.
  • Firefox 3.6: On the Mac.
  • Opera 10.6.2: On the Mac. New entry wasn’t automatically associated with the article.
  • Safari 4: On the Mac.
  • Firefox 3.0.7: On Windows XP SP2. The ‘Create New’ button isn’t place correctly and sits just below the form but it functions all the same.
  • Internet Explorer 8: On Windows 7 Professional.

I can also confirm tha tit does not work in the following browsers:

  • IE7: On Windows XP SP2. The layout seems a bit broken and when you try to create new the form does not load.

To be honest, I don’t think Opera is anything to worry about as it appears other parts of Symphony don’t play well with it either.

I also didn’t test IE6 because, well, who cares?

One other issue I’m having is only thumbnails are being shown, not text as well. Was that something you had to do with a custom caption? I’ve never tried making my own before, could you give me an example? I’m going to poke around and see if I can break it some more.

Created a custom caption—Wow, it’s REALLY easy!—and have discovered two other possible bugs.

  1. If the custom caption extends too far to the right it will go under the delete button and thus become unreadable.
  2. If the custom caption extends beyond two lines it extends into the next row.

The first one is easy to fix, all you have to do is add a bit of a margin to the right side of the element that contains the text so that it never reaches the delete button.

The second one has three solutions that I can think of:

  1. Have each item be able to expand should the need arise.
  2. Truncate the text before it hits the third line.
  3. Set the text element’s overflow to hidden with CSS so it cuts it off no matter what.


I’m getting a random error using Mediathek 2.0.3 with Symphony 2.0.6. Sometimes when creat a mediatheck realted entry with the creat option this is not assigned to the current entry.

Then I have to reload the current entry page and select the related entry I just created with the edit option of mediathek.

Someone else has this problem?


Seem there are some problem with the javascript that update the list of selected mediathek entries…

@guillem_l: Have you tried version 2.0.4 which should work on Symphony 2.0.6.

@dougoftheabaci: Thanks for your test results. Internet Explorer 6 will not be supported but it should be working in all the other mentioned browser in the final version. Concerning the other points:

  • I think there should be a default caption. I simply forgot about that.
  • The caption should not be truncated in my opinion, but the layout of the subsection items should be layouted in a better way (starting with the delete button).

Any reason why you’d prefer truncation?

@Nils: To be honest, either way would work fine.

My only reason for thinking truncation would be the better choice is that it saves us from situations where the title goes very long (which would look unruly).

I think the caption’s purpose is to remind me or whoever’s editing the entry exactly what pictures have been uploaded. They don’t need to see all the text, only enough to remind them. Thus having it truncate anything after the second line would provide enough information to trigger their memory while still keeping the content condensed.

Doug, I pushed a few changes two both repositories (Stage and Subsection Manager) which should fix the captions issues and which introduce sort functionality.

The browser differences have not been addressed yet.

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