
Umm… I was testing to see if anyone was actually going to download it! ;)


:-) Downloaded.

Me too. So it has been downloaded twice, at least!


There seems to be an issue with the ZIP download! See here and there.

I cheated: I grabbed it from GitHub.

Interesting idea. :-)

Nevertheless the ZIP package is what most people — especially beginners — will be using. So I think it should be fixed ASAP.

Updated the Zip. Sorry about that.

Most of my “initial issues” may be closed now — see the bugtracker.

Guys, there appears to be a bug with the Issue Tracker. All of the open items have mysteriously vanished.

Screen shot 2010-05-18 at 22.22, 18May 2010.jpg

@nickdunn Here is the answer!

I have never seen this before.

So what is next? Is it 2.0.8 RC3?

I don’t know. I think when the issue tracker reached zero Alistair ascended into the clouds to take his rightful place alongside the Techno Viking. Not sure what happens next…

Edit: Yes, the idea is that there will be a 2.0.8RC3

You guys are so soft. Shoulda just released it as-is - now we’re just going to report more issues to make the issues page not look so empty.

To upgrade, do I just install this release like the other release, or is there a more simple way to go about upgrading?

The README file has a section on how to update under, “Updating From an Older Version”. Here’s a reference:

Hey Allen, sorry for the stupid question…I blame that on a long day. Thanks man.

@Craig: Will you provide a ZIP file of RC3?

@michael-e - I’m sure you knew this, but you can get a ZIP file of RC3, if you go to the Symphony’s github,, then click on download source and you can choose tar or zip.

That’s what I do, must make sure you grab the Workspace folder and extensions from GitHub as well.

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