
@froded, being a perfectionist I wanted translated urls myself too, but eventually gave up because no other CMS or framework seems to offer them either, and the seo reasons stated at that time. I’ll have to look into your research.

So now symphony can translate urls?

Does this extension allow translation of page names in sections as well then? or just entries?

I fixed the issue mentioned in comment #13 and #19. It was a small bug where I checked the existance of a variable in JavaScript. Therefore the extension wouldn’t work without CKEditor :-P

It should work now though… I’m currently working on a new project which involves a multilingual site so expect updates on this extension as well…

I really like this extension because it works with Nick Dunns search extension. However this extension is of course not playing well with the language redirect extension.

Is there anyway for this extension to automagically redirect to the right language, without having to append the {$url-language-code} to all links? it’s not a problem to add this, I’d just rather avoid it if possible.

I think I may have solved my issue, it appears to be working at least.

I changed all instances of language-code to just language in both the multi-language extension and the search index file that Giel had modded and now it works beautifully with language redirect.

I honestly haven’t a clue why it works, but as mentioned it appears to work.

Is there any way to sort the data output depending on the displayed language?

Looking in the php files it doesn’t look like you’ve addressed sorting at all. I’m guessing this is because Multilanguage Support doesn’t add new fields but rather append information to existing fields?

Yes, what the extension does is add a ‘multilanguage’-value to each field. If this is checked (set to ‘yes’) the field is duplicated with JavaScript in the backend and it’s field-values are individually stored in a multilanguage-table in the database. Retrieving the data follows a similar process.

The whole idea behind this extension is that each field-type can be used to be multilingual (although it currently still doesn’t support all field-types).

I really like the idea behind this extension. But I’m not too keen on all multilingual data being stored in the same table. This kinda defeats the purpose of having every field in it’s separate table.

Hacking the core fields and every other field to create new fields in the data structure would likely be the best way to achieve a multilingual site. Kinda like how the multilingual field handles data. But still allowing for the options that this extension provides.

Is there an update to Symphony 2.2 on the horizon? really like what you've done here and have it working on a 2.0.7 site quite well. Be interested in know if there are plans for a 2.2 compatible version?

If there is a client that requires a multilingual 2.2 site, it will get updated. So it will come in the near future, only not sure when.

That's cool. Love the way it tabs between lang in section entries so user friendly :)

Multilanguage Support updated to version 0.33 on 17th of March 2011

@moonoo2: Looks like it's your lucky day. I had to update it for a client. Haven't tested it thouroughly yet, but any feedback is welcome!

Awesome @kanduvisla.. :P will check ou tonight and report findings!

@kanduvisla, is the latest release on git? in the extension driver I pulled from git.. it still says 0.32b and 2.0.7|2.1 compatibility. Just checking I'd got the right one.

Though Symphony seems to be superior in flexibility to Joomla, it seems that Joomfish really has a very good solution for multilingual sites. It covers every content type, every menu label, every piece of the site. Having to open a completely different part of the site to input the translations is a nuisance, but the coverage is complete, and when you have no target text for an item, the system automatically outputs the source text. I am really attracted to Symphony's elegance and versatility, but multilingual content is the most important aspect of the sites I am maintaining. Can someone give me an idea of how quickly multiling Symphony is developing? I would love to graduate to the world of XSLT layout. Sorry for asking questions with no Symphony installation up yet.

@moonoo2: haha, seems I forgot to push my latest additions to GitHub :-P I'll get to that this weekend!

Hee hee, thought I was going mad mate :) enjoy.

Hi Giel, looks like a great extension, thanks!

One thing I hope you can tell me: is it possible to filter using this extension? You see: I'm trying to use this extension i.c.w. the REST API. So not output a certain language in my templates but instead output it as XML through a (filtered) REST Api call.

Say I have a Section called 'Countries' which has a Multilanguage Name field.

I would love to be able to call the Dutch (nl) version through:**language=nl**

.. but that does not seem to work. I've tried various param names but I guess filtering is off completely no?

Would it be hard to add the possibility to filter the results 'manually' so that we could use this extension with e.g. the REST API?

I'm not familiar with this extension, but looks like the language can be set by passing a querystring parameter language-code. So would it work to change your REST API URL to:


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