
Nick thanks for looking into it. I've seen the $_GET too and tried language-code (+ various other params) but it does not seem to work. Strange…

Filtering should not be too hard to implement right?

Ah yes that won't work because this extension relies on you operating within a Symphony frontend page (for delegate subscriptions which swap data about), whereas REST API does not do this. This extension stores a copy of your entry (in another language) and then swaps the data at the point of XML building. So a data source first gets your original (untranslated) entry, and just before it's rendered in the data source XML, if another language is set, the field values are swapped. This makes filtering really difficult, or impossible.

The only way I can see these two working together is for REST API to be implemented as a "frontend page", so that delegate subscriptions are fired, as through you were running a normal data source. I'm not sure whether this is possible, so I'll have a think. If it is possible, then appending the querystring parameter would eventually work.

That sounds a lot harder than I thought. Bummer…

(Thinking out loud: Is it not possible for the REST Api to 'pick up' an existing DS and use that?)

Otherwise I might need to use the 'old' way of accessing data across Symphony installs through a 'dynamic DS', correct? This would allow me to use the Multilanguage features, right?

Real shame since I was getting really enthusiastic over the REST Api, but the multi-language requirements seem to prevent me from using it.

Unless I'm better of implementing the multi-language another way (through another extension or linked Sections etc). I'm still not 100% sure what method is best in my case. If an update to the SSM works out that might be my best bet.

I'll try and rework REST API to use a Frontendpage object for the Entries plugin. What this means is that instead of instantiating and running a data source on its own, it will also create a temporary Symphony page object, attach the data source, and then run it. This means all of the field and extension delegate subscriptions remain intact, hopefully leaving the Multilingual extension in working order!


My goodness, I feel like I'm involved in some quickly evolving CMS-revolution of pure awesomeness. The openness and responsivity of the Symphony community is beyond any OS forum/support I have experienced.

I'm checking the Symphony forum more than I'm checking my email.

Truth is, however, that much of this magic is due to a couple of heroes (such as yourself). I can only hope to be able to 'give back' to this community in due time.

Hi guys ! I am a complete newbie with Symphony - but I already really like it !

I am trying to build a site in Chinese+English with the translation for all the content. I try a fresh install + Multilingage extension It works when editing and saving from the backend (it writes the db), but after refreshing the fields load only for the first language (the 2nd tab is not updated). From firebug, the ajax request get a 404.


is that an encoding/collation problem ? any idea ?

cheers !

Kanduvisla I noticed a small bug with a multilingual field with suggested tags. The taglist UL normally exists below the field (input). Because your extension adds a new field (input) for each language (and hides the others) the taglist appears above all but the first (original) field…

Giel, selectboxes are not yet supported, correct? In my current situation I query an entry that links (selectbox) to another section's entry containing a multilingual field.

When querying 'through a Select Box field' the multilingual field goodness is lost :(

How difficult do you think this would be to add? I cannot think of a way to 'hack' this in. The only workaround, I think, would be to use a Subsection Manager? Does a SSM contain the multilingual fields or only the ones actually defined in the Section?

Hoi, I got the same problem as clemsos. After save, only the first language is shown, and the second tab, or flipping tabs, doesn't do anything.

sym 2.2.1, multilanguage 0.33

edit: I got it working by installing in root. Now I just have to figure out a way to handle multiple MAMP installations ;)

Is there anyway of getting the language to show on the tabs instead of the short code? It's mostly for aesthetic reasons and more comfortable for the client.

When inline editing in the subsection manager The language fields aren't showing up. Any ideas how to deal with that?

tx! J

@joe_g, clemsos:

It's due to ./assets/multilanguage.js assumes symphony installed as root in line 91. It works if you change this line...

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