
Not sure if this a bug or by design, but sorting on an ETL field in the DS editor and limiting the output produces a weird result.

Instead of limiting the ‘entries’ returned, it will limit by the number of tags attached to an entry.

For example, the following:

entry tags one two three four entry tags one two

If you sorted by tags, then limit the output to 3. The DS will only return the first entry, because there is more then 3 tags. Really shouldn’t it return both entries? because although your sorting by ‘children’ you still want 3 parents?

Just updated to v1.2, after finally getting around to implementing external XML suggestions.

To Do

  • The settings panel has gotten a bit crowded, so I’ll see if I can clean it up some. Once the admin JS is fully ported to jQuery, this might be easier.
  • Think about implementing autocomplete
  • Figure out how to cache the external values

To Consider

  • Might be worth thinking about abstracting this function of fetching items from external XML and making them available to various fields, etc. in the admin.

brendo, I haven’t gotten a chance to look into your bug. Do you know if this also happens with the default Tag List field?

Hi csheng,

This is a bit strange, I used to enhanced tag list before on a former site, but now I get this:

‘Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount” code: “1’

What could that be?

I’m using symph 2.0.2

I am getting that when trying to add a enhanced tag list to a publish section by the way.

Hmm. Will look into it ASAP.

Thanks czheng.

Is there an easy route to migrate from the standard tag list to this one? Or is it the hardway, with copy and paste?

The official answer is, it’s the hard way. Though ETL extends the core taglist field, it uses its own DB tables.

The structure of the field table, though, is fairly close to that of the standard field (at least the important data), and on the entry level, they’re identical. If you’re willing to muck around a bit, UNOFFICIALLY, the following worked for me on a very small scale:

  1. Figure out the field ID of the fields you’d like to convert.
  2. In sym_fields, find those field entries and change the type column from taglist to enhancedtaglist.
  3. In sym_fields_taglist, find the entries whose field_id match the field(s) you’re converting. For each entry, note the field_id and pre_populate_source.
  4. Create a set of corresponding entries in sym_fields_enhancedtaglist. Copy the id, field_id and pre_populate_source of the sym_fields_taglist entry. You’ll have to give pre_populate_min a default integer value. 0 if you’re unsure.

If you’re going to give this a whirl, make sure you back everything up. And even after converting, leave the entries in sym_fields_taglist intact so you can easily roll back if you need to.

Thanks czheng. Since I still have a very limited number of entries, I think I’ll choose the hard way. Just to be sure.

I was just installing this on a 2.0.6 installation. When I enable it, I can’t edit one of my sections any more. I just get an blank page. All the seven other sections can still be edited. Entering new entries in the section that Symphony won’t let me edit still works.

If I disable ETL, the section can be edited again.

The fields this section is made up of are two Text Input, one Select Box, two Text Area, three Checkbox, one Date, two Taglist, two Select Box Link and two Mediathek.

Other installed extensions are Collapse Sectionfields, Data Source: Gravatar, Debug DevKit, Entity Diagram, Export Ensemble, Field: Mediathek, Field: Selectbox Link, Filter: No Editing of Entries, Firebug Profiler, JIT Image Manipulation, Maintenence Mode, Markdown and Smartypants, New Visiter, Profiler DevKit and Publish Filtering.

I just get an blank page.

Could you enable PHP errors to get the error message?

Add this at the top of your .htaccess:

php_flag display_errors 1
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/new/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.xmlelement.php on line 31

Infinite loop?

I have found that editing sections, especially on big websites, needs more memory for PHP than it used to need in older versions of Symphony 2. I do not remember when the “blank page problem” occured to me for the first time, so I can not name the Symphony version. But I generally solved it by increasing the memory setting for PHP.

This is a rather small site, the section that I can’t edit contains just 130 entries. And, as I wrote, creating new entries still works, it’s changing the section settings that fails. If it was a problem with the size of the site, I would guess it would be the other way around?

And why would just one of my sections fail to load for edit?

it’s changing the section settings that fails

Yep, exactly what I experienced many times…

And why would just one of my sections fail to load for edit?

Maybe because the memory consumption depends on the number and type of included fields.

Please try to increase PHP’s local memory setting. I would be interested if you stumbled across the same problem that I had. Simply put the following line in your .htaccess (you can play with the value, of course):

php_value memory_limit 128M

If this solves the problem, we should encourage Alistair to think about memory consumption for section editing.

Yep, exactly what I experienced many times…

Sorry Michael, I thought you misunderstood my problem.

Maybe because the memory consumption depends on the number and type of included fields.

It certainly looks that way. When I increased the memory available to PHP, I could edit the section. Perhaps you are right about your guess about the number of fields as well. The section I couldn’t edit is by far the one with the most fields in it.

Time to open another thread on this issue, since it doesn’t seem related to Craig’s extension.

Hi czheng,

I’m having a problem with the Enhanced Tag List and it’s Parameter output.

It chops off the last items in the list, in de debug Params it shows like this for example (the items here a images linked to a post):

‘Excessive_01, Excessive_02, Excessive_03, Excessive_04, Excessive_05, Exces…’

So in this case the last two items are not there because of the ‘…’?

It seems this is not specific to the Enhanced Tag List, but rather an possible issue withing Symphony itself. I’ll set up a different post.

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