
Bob's code change on line 154 fixed the problem for me. I'm running the beta on my localhost.

rev 2 fixes this bug.

Guys, I'm having a similar error here. Look:

But it doesn't seems to be related to the host. I've tried on Locaweb and on Hotel da Web (both runs another Symphony emsembles fine) and had the same error.

Also I tried to access this link with no success.

What version of Symphony? Can you verify that everything' there (.htaccess and all) and that permissions are correct?

Version 2.1.2

Everything is there. What I don't understand is just THIS emsemble gives that error message. I just installed a different one, on another folder (/breve) of the same host, with the same Symphony version and everything's great.


Some utilities were case sensitive (i.e. block_mainNav.xsl) and once uploaded it was renamed to lowercase, so Symphony got lost while linking through utilities.

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
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