
Something similar to that happened to me when I deleted some children entries without updating the parent section. Had to fix that with some SQL queries. Hope this helps.

it appears to be related to a user updating an entry using ie8 or below. since symphony doesn't support ie8 and below anymore, i won't go into details since, let's face it, they/we kinda got what we deserved.

after installing the ie compatibility extension, subsection manager entries weren't corrupted any longer. fair warning to devs of future sites with clients still living in the dark ages.

[SOLVED with #145] Hi,

in attempt to update SSM from 3.0beta2 to 3.0 I get this error:

MySQL Error (1091): Can't DROP 'included_fields'; check that column/key exists in query: ALTER TABLE `sym_fields_subsectionmanager` DROP `included_fields` 

Could you please help me with that?

Same thing that happened to Juro has happened to me... is this part of the deprication? or another error that can be fixed. like alot of the ppl that use Symphony rely on this extension fairly heavily, so would be great to get a fix.

Try to change this line to:

if(version_compare($previousVersion, '3.0beta2', '<')) {

or uncomment the whole update block. The updater tries to run changes that have already been made.

cheers Nils. killing it. Juro, FYI, i removed lines 520 to 623 and that fixed it. best of luck with getting this extension part of core.

Worked like a charm @Nils, thanks. @cron_mon, also thanks very much, you would be mine next sure bet!

As posted here on github. I’m trying to fix SSM for Symphony 2.3.3. My current problem is that the drawer height is not properly calculated:

var height = subsection.find('#wrapper').outerHeight(); always returns 150px, if I change it to

var height = subsection.find('#wrapper div.contents').outerHeight(); it is calculated properly in the Safari console, but in the real backend it seems to add the value to the variable over and over again, resulting in an ever expanding drawer.

I’m lost at this point, can someone with better js-skills please join the fun, or point me in the right direction?

Would you mind publishing your code on Github?

Subsection Manager 3.5

"Totgesagte leben länger" – a Symphony developer, somewhen, somewhere

This version makes Subsection Manager compatible with Symphony 2.3.3.
It removes support for Subsection Tabs.

  • Fixes subsection resizing

was tot ist soll man ruhen lassen
@nils I remember that you mentioned ssm is deprecated, hence no support… You must be very, very kind… :)


The burden of being a parent is not to be able to let ones child go :)

1000 Dank Nils!

@nils I remember that you mentioned ssm is deprecated, hence no support… You must be very, very kind… :)

Well, only the height calculation didn't work due to some style changes in the backend, Alexander did all the rest to make it 2.3.3 compatible. So why not release it … Besides, I just needed a pawn so that Alexander cannot reject helping me with another project I'm working on :)

Ahh, that’s the poodles core! :D

There’s still a slight bug:

On creation of new items the item content is stuck under the header. See here.

Ein Traum! (fixed)

Danke Nils!

Thanks Nils. Works very well.

Thanks Nils. :D

I haven’t used SSM since it was deprecated, but I just noticed that it received an update. Is it safe to use SSM in production?

Is it safe to use SSM in production?

I say yes. I use it alot, on all projects, also big ones.

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