
Has anyone encountered

Fatal error: Class 'extension_subsectionmanager' not found in /xxx/extensions/subsectionmanager/fields/field.subsectionmanager.php on line 696

I encountered this while using Sections event.

There was mention of this on page 2, but there was no solution.

Please use Github for bug reports like this one.

We have a Symphony site running on 2.3.3 that heavily utilizes SubsectionManager that is having performance issues. The site is here:

Our Teachings: Series section utilizes SubsectionManager to select from the Teaching sections which has close to 2000 entries. When trying to select and add new Teachings from within Teachings: Series, the spinner spins and we aren't able to select any entries.

A similar problem happens with the Teachings sections when using SubsectionManager** to select from the Tags section as that has well over 2000 entries and is experiencing some serious performance issues and lag, making it difficult to attach new Tags to a Teaching.

Can someone provide some insight as to how to mitigate these types of performance issues?

What changed to start the issue?

Nothing notable changed. We have been successfully posting Teachings in Teachings: Series for around 2 months now on 2.3.3. Tags have been an issue for over a year, both before and after 2.3.3.

Any console errors?

Yes... they are visible here if you are logged in:

Here is a smattering of the latest:

Also, here is the Profile tab of debug:

These numbers look a bit troubling:

DataSourceEntriesBuilt: subsectionmanager 1.06 MB

Datasource: teachings_series_entries_filtered 3.92 MB

These errors are what I get in Chrome's "Console":

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

Also this a second time:

GET 500 (Internal Server Error)

Looks like SubsectionManager is timing out.

Please put thise comments in gists so it doesnt take the whole page

This sounds like a server issue ..

Try changing these in php.ini to the following:

max_execution_time = 1000;
max_input_time = 1000; 
memory_limit = 1000M;

Did that and it brings my browser to a screeching halt. I had to close the tab.

Updated all my outputs to Gists for ease of reference.

Ok, I seemed to have learned more about the issue. I did what Kirk suggested and bzerangue also found a file we were missing at:


I did both and it now loads content but takes around a minute to load with content. I have opened a Github Issue here as well:

It would be great to get more ideas about how to speed things up.

You may be able to speed up your MySQL instance with your host. Its an additional fee to make the database faster.

I've massively improved our hosting but still the delay prevails. Nils said this in reply to my Github Issue:

It's a general problem that cannot be solved easily. The way SSM fetches your subsection entries wasn't created with this large sections in mind.

So actually, this extension needs to be rewritten to solve your issue.

Which raises the question: what ways are there in Symphony to do associations with large datasets (like tagging), or adding records to a series when there are thousands of records?

I would love to hear anyone's ideas so I can work at rebuilding my Sections.

There are no extensions that can do what you want easily. You can use the new Associations interface to add tags, but it's clunky since it opens a new page to create the tag entry.

For some reason I'm not getting the System ID reference from the DS that contains the Subsection, and the XML output includes all the entries in the subsections, even the ones are not being used by the DS filter...

@manuel_rocha, is your comment related to your category details thread?

No. Don't see why commenting about my previous question in this thread. This is about SSM2.

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