
I didn't include the functionality on the edit page because it didn't make much sense, since you're editing an entry, not creating any new ones. It creates an entry per file, but if this is functionality you want, it's easy to add to the extension.driver.php, let me know.

To add a translation, it works the same way, and you can use my example in the master branch:

I appreciate it!

@vladG each file uploaded creates a separate entry in the section, so it won't work when editing an existing entry.

I should have seen there was another page hiding this entry from me and making me look foolish.

Damn you pagination, damn you.

I just created a section with no upload fields and I get this error in the JS console (Firefox 3.6)

Error: console is not defined
Source File: http:...massuploadutility/assets/massuploadutility.js

Line 192: console.log("No upload fields detected.");

I forgot to remove unnecessary debugging from the javascript, whoops! Pull the extension from the master branch or just delete those lines. Sorry!

I just installed this Extension in a 2.2.1 install with an 'Images' Section (1 upload field, 1 textfield and 1 tag-field) and I get JSON errors (Firefox 4).

Creating a new entry I select multiple files. Upon clicking 'Create entry' the browser throws a JSON error (the returned 'JSON' is actually the current page HTML source, this surprisingly is not valid JSON :P )

As a result no entries were created except for the last selected file.

Using Firefox 3.6+, Safari 5.0+, Chrome 11+ I get no errors either upon loading or posting. Perhaps it's an extension conflict?

Could you list any or all errors you get upon loading, and then upon posting? And the names for the fields in that Images section as well.

@Scottkf I receive no errors upon loading.

The only error is the 'invalid JSON' when I 'submit' (create the entry/ies).

Here's a screenshot of my Section:

.. and of the error:

PS: tested locally (MAMP) in Fx4 and Chrome 11+

I duplicated the section and filenames, and everything worked, though I don't have MAMP installed. The invalid JSON, the html you're receiving, is it from the current page or is it from the extension/massuploadutility page? Could you pastie what's on the page?

It's either a server issue or a jquery issue. What version are you using? If the first item on that list (footer-img-1-c.jpg) is created successfully first, then the problem has to be the response FROM the extension/massuploadutility where the files are POST'd. Or perhaps the response is valid but the JS is mangling it.

If you could show me the contents of that POST to /symphony/extension/massupload... as well as the result from the POST it would be easier to debug, thanks!

@Scott This is the returned HTML in Firebug

It is the Symphony Create-Entry page, but notice the warnings on the 1st and last line.

Maybe it is a (JS) conflict between the Extensions 'Publish tabs' and 'MUU'? Or 'Tweak UI' and MUU?

Or maybe it is an (AJAX?) problem with my local 'custom' virtual host:

Bummer: I need to upload quite a lot of images in tomorrow :/

Figured it out. I wasn't properly dealing with a redirect that I accidentally commented out during development :) Should be fixed now, pull from the master branch and let me know!

You MUST uninstall the extension, then reinstall it after updating, I had to add a new delegate, and it won't register unless you reinstall. Does anyone know if there's any way around this? Can I put something in the update() function?

@scott thanks! It works fine now. Wonderful!

what an exceptional extension. thank you so much !

scottkf, check ExtensionManager->registerDelegates() function. I did not try that yet, but i think You could call it from update().

Can I put something in the update() function?

In my experience, choosing "Enable" from the menu (even when an extension is already installed and enabled) should refresh the delegate subscriptions, meaning you don't need to physically uninstall it.

Don't know if this was asked before, but would it be possible to get the mass upload utility to work with the unique upload filed?

I did a quick test, and it rans in the exact same error as davidhund discovered (invalid JSON String, the page markup)

I fixed this in the master branch, pull the source again and it should work. Make sure to reenable the extension.

Thanks, this kinda works. There's one issue though (Safari OS X). Need to hit publish twice to get the upload started properly.

Chrome/Firefox both do fine.

Naa, ok, nevermind. :D

One more thing. I think it's more related to 'Subsection Manager', but when I upload multiple files in subsectionmanager, files may be uploaded, but there is no progress status and, and subsection manager won't respond at all :(

The javascript accesses each field to deal with displaying errors, so I'm sure it has something to do with that, but I haven't had a chance to look at in great depth. You can, however, disable certain sections from the preferences where the upload utility is enabled in the meantime.

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