

I forked you repo and started refactoring both, the publish.js and the jquery upload plugin. I'm not done yet, but I'll post my results here.

I haven't read the subsection managerscripts completely, but the problem seems so be, that subsectionmanager never triggers its update method, therefor the strange behaviour mentioned above.

Kind Regards, Thomas

Hi there, I am using Symphony 2.2.1 with massuploadutility 0.9.8 and I am still getting the error "The file uploaded is no longer available. Please check that it exists, and is readable." when trying to upload multiple files/images. No entry is created and nothing uploaded after all.

Can anyone help me out here? Thanks in advance

The file uploaded is no longer available. Please check that it exists, and is readable

I got this error from Symphony the other day when sending a form with an upload field but had forgotten to set this on the form element:


Perhaps this extension needs to do the same.

This is actually present:

<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

Any other hints? :)

So this is from the backend then?

Yes, this is all happening on the backend.

Can you check that your folders for uploading to are writable?

Permissions are set to 777 (rwxrwxrwx), the backend would scream anyway when creating the section.

The I'm afraid it's beyond my abilities (and time available), I hope someone can help.

Nevertheless, thanks. Anybody else having an idea?


I had this problem during development of the extension, but for the life of me I can't remember why. It still works for me using 2.2.1 and the extension from the repo.

Is the extension you're using the one from the master branch?

I'm sure it's something silly, I'll check into it in a few minutes and see if I can find anything.

If anything, it could be related permissions on the host where the files are being sent. Or perhaps, the files don't validate properly, though the extension should let you know. Are there some required fields not filled in that the extension doesn't pick up on?

Hi, thanks for your response.

Yeah, I downloaded from master branch on github. As I stated, permissions must be correct. If I try uploading only one image (where the massuploadutility is not used I suppose), it works fine. Only with 2 or more images the errors show up.

I would be really glad if we can find a solution here!! :)


I run this on a couple different symphony sites and hosts that are widely used, and I haven't come across the error again, still looking.

This extension works on localhost? The "upload" freezes in second image but nothing is uploaded to folder.

Might be an error in 2.2.5? It's always worked on localhost, can you open the developers console and post any JS related errors?

Yes 2.2.5. It's don't getting the port of url http://luciano:8888/
First GET error when select the files and second when click 'Create Entry'

GET http://luciano/extensions/massuploadutility/assets/images/queued.png Could not connect to the server.
GET http://luciano/extensions/massuploadutility/assets/images/queued.png Could not connect to the server.

Pull from the master branch and see if that fixed it, I was using the wrong object which didn't include the port. Thanks for noticing it!

Perfect, working! =) Thanks.

Hi scottkf, it's happen sometimes, do you have idea?
Mac Lion Updated, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Hi scottkf, it's happening again.
Don't show error msg but upload break after first file done, the first file was uploaded ok.


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