
Can you integrate this please!

Hi, I'm a newbie with Symphony.

I've install the Mass Upload Utility in Symphony 2.2.5.

When I go into element that contains a UPLOAD FIELD I can't upload multiple files because the field is like before the installation.

Thank's, Davide

It will stay the same. Just select multiple files when you use the field, and they will be uploaded.

But in the situation of the image below (with mass upload ext enabled) I can't select multiple files.


Can you check your Symphony and PHP logs?

Massuploadutility is only available for new entries. It lets you upload multiple files at once, but creates one entry per file, so you can't select more than one file at once.

Now I've understand!

Thank's, I assumed I can upload multiple files inside an entry not one entry per file.

Thnak's a lot!


You may try this one

Tnx now I'm going to see this link.

But (I hope i can post that question here) if I want create an entry News that contains a gallery like this:

news ----title ----text ----gallery ---------image ---------image ---------image

how I can do it with MASS UPLOAD?

Thanks again for the availability

Your best bet is grouping files with subsection manager.

In your news section, add fields Text input for your title, Textarea for your text and subsection manager for you gallery.

Please update for symphony 2.3


What is broken in 2.3? Does it stop after one file?

no, there is no multi upload function on new entry's

I updated and tested this with Symphony 2.3, it works here and on a couple production sites. If you run into any issues, please open a new issue on github.

It may break again when 2.4 comes out; I briefly looked at the upcoming deprecations and tried to change what I saw, but I might've missed something.

Mass Upload Utility updated to version 1.0.0 on 5th of June 2012

If it comes up, @quma figured out the solution to the:

The file uploaded is no longer available. Please check that it exists, and is readable

He changed in the php.ini:

register_globals = "on"

to this

register_globals = "off"

Hell, why that?


just experienced the same issue. With file_uploads = "" the error does not appear but the files won't be uploaded either (so it does NOT solve the problem).

Please disable "register_globals". It solved the issue for me.

Regards Stephan

Yes, we thought it was that, but he updated the issue. Turning register globals off fixes it for whatever reason.

ok, as I see you updated your previous post and changed fileuploads to registerglobals.

If register_globals is switched on with PHP 5.3 it raises DEPRECATED-Message. I'm not sure if this message might cause a problem.

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