
It’s just the bug I mentioned. Once you escape the two apostrophes in the text it works fine :)

I’ve figured out the missing parent-id issue. It was a misconfiguration. So, the Symphony 2.0.8RC1 Forum ensemble is really close to being released. Woot!

There are just some issues with the forum utilities and templates, which need to be modified to align with the new way of setting member permissions with the official Members extension.

You never give up :D

Great work, I’m waiting for the ensemble.

One more hurdle to jump. Role permissions. I was able to debug the issue with permissions with the following to figure out how to grab the event permissions for each role. The event permissions returned NULL on the Members extension.driver.php:

    public function canPerformEventAction($event_handle, $action, $required_level){
        die($event_handle . ' | ' . $action . ' | ' . $required_level . ' | ' . $this->_event_permissions[$event_handle][$action]);
        return ($this->_event_permissions[$event_handle][$action] >= $required_level);

But this worked:

    public function canPerformEventAction($event_handle, $action, $required_level){
        die($event_handle . ' | ' . $action . ' | ' . $required_level . ' | ' . $this->_event_permissions['forum_utilities']['create']);
        return ($this->_event_permissions[$event_handle][$action] >= $required_level);

So the event handles and actions are no longer the same as before.

Also, what’s missing from the Members extension is a preference for deleting or removing entries. I suppose it would be possible to include a delete preference. Shall I add this to the configuration? Or should this functionality be hard-coded to be based on the role?

Hmm. The more I think about it, the permission level should be all that’s required. If you can edit all, that should give you the privilege of also deleting.

Forum Ensemble for Symphony 2.0.8RC1

Well, I think this is it. From what I can tell, it’s all working! You can either download the attached file or grab it from GitHub:

git clone git://
cd sym-forum
git submodule update --init

is this fully working correctly now?

Forum updated to version 0.8 on 24th of May 2010

cool thanks man :)

That was pretty good timing, @norby500. I’ve just been trying to go through a bunch of ensembles to update them to Symphony 2.0.8 RC3 in time for Symposium 2010. I figured the Forum ensemble should be first.

awesome, id like to see this in constant update, it’s an awesome addition, well done!

Great work Stephen.

i am testing this out right now and i was curious on a few things…but is there a module to bookmark threads etc?

Thanks, guys.

@norby500, there is no bookmarking functionality in this ensemble. Perhaps the dev team can share what they are using for bookmarking on this forum.

How do I add categories? Is this possible at all?

There are many ways to add categories. It probably depends on whether you want to let users tag posts or create categories, or you have a specific set of categories in mind.

The ensemble uses some custom data sources. That’s where things might not be completely straight forward. The data source used to filter a member’s discussions, Forum: Discussions (Filtered), will probably provide a clue as to how to filter discussions by category. It’s likely going to require getting your hands a little dirty with PHP.

It’s likely going to require getting your hands a little dirty with PHP.

Thats the scary part. But thanks for the tips!

How do I add categories? Is this possible at all?

I started adding categories to the discussions today. The following steps should get you started.

  • add a Selectbox Link field named “Category” to your discussions section
  • create a new file named data.forum_discussions_by_category.php to your datasource folder and paste the contents of this file
  • change the forum page URL parameters to ‘category/dpage’
  • add the new datasource to your forum page and deselect the old one
  • modify the $allCategoriesHandle variable in data.forum_discussions_by_category.php and the pagination for unfiltered discussions

Hope this helps. I’m no PHP expert, but it’s working here.

I decided to implement the bookmarks thing.

You can find my own fork of the ensemble here: Clone it the usual way, but be sure to checkout branch bookmarks.

I did a couple of test and it seems to work. My initial goal was to not write a single line of php code as this is a perfect example of symphony power. I ended up tweaking a bit a new datasource I added to the forum extension which is 99% similar to data.forum_read_discussions.php and share the same functionality, except that it’s filtered by just those discussions that are bookmarked.

Everything else is Pure Symphony Awesomeness.

There are just two minor issues I would like to note:

  • When showing bookmarked discussions, I can’t seem to make symphony count all the comments associated to each discussion. I have either not unterstood the datasource functionality to Include a count of entries in associated sections or it maybe a bug due to the high customization of the Discussion section.
  • When you remove a bookmark, it’s not really deleted. This is a direct consequence of the choice to not write php code. Actually, I’m using a checkbox (not really well named…) to determine if a bookmark is active or not. This of course adds a bit of overhead and complexity to the system and would be easily resolved with small changes to the Save Bookmark event.

Bye :)

awesome thread, im learning alot reading from this. Would be nice to see the bookmarking become a sym release officially!

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