
Database Changes

A note to all beta testers: The latest changes on GitHub require a slightly different database structure for sym_fields_subsectionmanager (where sym_ is your table prefix).


`allow_multiple_selection` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'yes',  
`show_preview` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'yes',

becomes that:

`allow_multiple` tinyint(1) default '0',  
`show_preview` tinyint(1) default '0',

Release Candidate 1 (Hooray!)

I think this was a quite productive sunday and I’d like to present to you the first release candidate of Subsection Manager. So, fellow beta testers, please have a look at the attached archive and start testing, using, breaking (Michael, it’s your turn now). Please be aware of the above mentioned changes to the database in case you are updating from an earlier beta.

There will be a second release candidate which will feature the upgrade script for Mediathek users.

Nun denn, Butter bei die Fische -
viel Spaß beim Fehler finden,

Please Note (2nd August 2010)

There was a logic bug in the Stage table creation. Please run the following SQL statement manually replacing sym_ with your current database table prefix:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sym_fields_stage` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `field_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `constructable` smallint(1) default '0',
  `destructable` smallint(1) default '0',
  `draggable` smallint(1) default '0',
  `droppable` smallint(1) default '0',
  `searchable` smallint(1) default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

Thanks for you work on this, Nils! I’ll give it a go.

breaking (Michael, it’s your turn now)

Give me a day or two. I am reconstructing my apartment here in Munich, and so I don’t find the time for “advanced breaking” right now. But I will do my best!

There was a bug in the Stage table creation process.
Please see the added instructions above.

An important note to all testers: Please do always clear your cache after updating this extension. So browsers tend to cache script file for quite a while which will of course break any changes made in a newer version until the cache is refreshed.

There are reports in the GitHub issue tracker that some users are experiencing issues with disappearing subsection items after saving the parent entry:

Since I cannot reproduce this bug I need some feedback:

  • Who else is seeing this problem? And who is not?
  • In both cases: Which browser and operating system are you using? Did you update an existing install or did you start with a fresh one?
  • Are there any errors in your JavaScript console or in your activity log?

Thanks for your help,

One last thing: If you are reporting bugs for RC1 please add a note when you are updating using the Git repositories. If you can, please use the archive available in this thread to make sure that we are all testing against the same code base.


Question: Is there anybody who would like to help translating the Subsection Manager?

Yes, I’ll do it for norwegian. I’ll be using it anyway when it reaches 1.0 final and I’m translating every extension I’m using to norwegian as well.

i just did a pull request to get the latest on the subsection manager. however, when i went to enable the extension again, i get this error:

MySQL Error (1060): Duplicate column name 'context' in query "ALTER TABLE `sym_v1_fields_stage` ADD `context` varchar(255) default NULL"

i tried running the mysql statement above but since the table was already created, that script didn’t affect any rows.

i tried running ALTER TABLE sym_v1_fields_stage..., but i get this error when i do:

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`field_id` int(11) unsigned' at line 1

i know the readme said this requires 2.1, but i’m trying to run this on 2.0.8RC3 (doing a bunch of symlinking to the core and extensions on a current dev site)

any thoughts?

wtdtan: If you grabbed the current code from GitHub you are using a newer version than RC1 which automatically runs all needed SQL queries. In your case, try uncommenting the update() function in extension.driver.php and enable the extension again. Or uninstall and then reinstall the extension (you will loose all subsection connections in this case).

tried commenting out the insides of the update() method, but no dice. just uninstalled then reinstalled the extension. when i went to add an image to my section, I get an “upgrade mediathek” screen, image doesn’t save, and no other options. attached is the subsequent “upgrade” page with nothing but the title on the page.

Screen shot 2010-08-06 at 6.17.11 AM.png

That doesn’t make sense at all. Do you have some more information?

the only thing i can think of that would be different is that i’m symlinking from a single extensions folder to multiple domains. but aside from that, i don’t know what else could be different from a normal install. also attached is the screen i get after trying to upload.

Screen shot 2010-08-06 at 9.02.19 AM.png

I can’t see a reason why you should be redirected to the upgrade script which is never called by the field itself. There should be a status message in your extension overview if you have installed both extensions, Mediathek and Subsection Manager, linking to the page you’re seeing.

Does the page work when the Subsection Manager is uninstalled?

the page itself has always worked fine, but the extension just acts weird when i add it to a section. also, i do not have the mediathek extension installed.

I’m sorry, but I’m not sure how to help you in this case as I don’t see a reason why this could happen. It just doesn’t make sense …

some art historian you are!!! j/k, that’s fine…i just did a test to transition these sites to 2.1 since there are a few extensions that seem only stable on this build. maybe your latest build can’t be used on 2.0.8RC3 like it says in the README.

though now, i’m not seeing the file name show up next to the image. and when i go to try and reorder the entries, i’m seeing this js error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of null -> symphony.draggable.js:83
Screen shot 2010-08-06 at 9.26.57 AM.png

Wtdtan, which version exactly are you working with? The current readme on GitHub clearly states that the Subsection Manager is only compatible with Symphony 2.1.

If you don’t see the captions and if you get redirected to the upgrade script, somethings seems to be wrong in your install. Is it possible that your JavaScript files are not up-to-date or cached? There was a change in the AJAX call for captions which should now point to /extension/subsectionmanager/get/ and no longer to /extension/subsectionmanager/.

Please delete the extension on your server and upload the newest files available on GitHub (don’t forget the two submodules Stage and Draggable). Clear your browser cache and try again.

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