
Have you tried using the value of your Flickr image in your caption? It’s possible to use HTML in there like <img ... />.

What’s interesting is the <img .../> works, but when I call HTML Panel Field with the same exact code it doesn’t work??? Weird.

I got it to work, with the following code…

<img src="{$thumbsq-url}" alt="{$title}" width="40" height="40" style=""/> <span style="margin-left:50px; height: 40px;">{$title}</span>

I’m having a really weird issue where I fill out my form, hit upload, choose my file and when hit create entry, the stage scrolls back up and there are no files shown. When I click the “browse” box, which ever file i just uploaded, i see a “broken” thumbnail box and no text on the right (image attached). I’m not sure what’s going on, though I did look at my logs and am getting this error:

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function Meta() on a non-object in / on line 231, referer:

I have my extensions folder and symphony folder symlinked to a centralized distro if that helps. any clues what could be going on?

Screen shot 2010-06-25 at 8.13.24 PM.png

Over the next weeks I’m going to revise Stage which is one of Subsection Manager’s core components and which is responsible for the interface layout and behaviour.

While doing this I need to figure out a solution for a main issue of this extension: If you add items to the selection of the subsection, these changes will not be saved until you hit the save button at the bottom of the main/parent section. Especially when creating new items this might be confusing because you have to click save twice: once in the Subsection Manager drawer (for the item creation) and twice to save the parent entry (this is where the selection actually gets saved).

It would be possible to automatically save the Subsection Manager’s selection after the first click using AJAX but this behaviour would be singular in the Symphony backend: there is no other part in the interface I’m aware of that automatically saves content.

So my question to all beta testers is, which behaviour is the better:

  1. Leave it as a two click action because this keeps the Symphony interface consistent.
  2. Add an automatic save action to simplify the process for authors.

Thoughts are welcome!
Thanks, Nils

@wtdtan: I’m not aware of the inner workings of the JIT Image Manipulation but this is certainly an error related to this extension which is used to generate the thumbnails. It might be a problem related to symlinks but I’m not experienced in this area.

I’d say leave it as it is. More important than ease of use is consistency across the entire system.

I always tell my clients, “Any changes you make have to be saved at the bottom of the page. If you don’t click it, nothing will change.”

I’d say leave it as it is. More importan than ease of use is consistency across the entire system.

My first thought too.

Was anything ever decided about how Subsection Manager would deal with different types of drag-and-drops that weren’t images?

Could you please elaborate, Doug?

Right now, if you use the Subsection Manager with images and you drag the entry into a text area you get an image reference. That’s fine but what if the file isn’t an image but a document? What if there’s no file at all but just text?

Say, for example, you’re using the Subsection Manager to manage your article citations. You add the full citation to Subsection Manager and drag it into the text to create a reference link.

Subsection Manager has no system in place to deal with these scenarios. In that respect it’s just like Mediathek. The problem is that Mediathek was about images where Subsection Manager appears to be for a larger variety of situations.

If it hasn’t been addressed for some future version one option I might suggest would be to have all drag-and-drops to result in a link with this syntax:

[field name][id]

With this, if I had a Subsection Manager field of ‘citations’, I could set a rule that would search for all a tags with the text of ‘citations’ and an href of ‘#number’ and convert that to whatever I wanted.

With the information of the field and the node’s ID I can quickly target the right XML via XPATH and do whatever I want with the result. It does make things a bit more complicated for the novice Symphony developer but it also adds a significant amount of power.

I’m actually using it for something like this right now (I’ve mentioned it in another topic) but I’m lucky in that my use involves images.

Ah, that you were talking about. No final decisions have been made in this area besides the fact that the manager needs to handle these use cases properly. I’m just not sure if it’s an 1.0 or 1.1 feature as is complicates things a bit.

There is just one general problem: Symphony users do really like to set up the system their way. It’s a league of system perfectionists ;o)

That’s one of the reasons I suggest the link option. It provides a simple mechanism that Symphony developers can fully control rather than dealing with things on a case-by-case basis.

For me this isn’t a deal-breaker or anything I would need right now, I just have a feeling I could find a use for such functionality were it available. Same way I never saw the point of Twitter until I signed up and now I use it for loads of stuff.

Help needed

Fellow beta testers and native speakers, I’m currently working on an upgrade script that will automatically replace all Mediathek instances with the Subsection Manager. This script contains a short introduction and a few system messages. So I need your help: I’m German, and so is my English :) Would someone be so kind to proof-read the attached texts? Beside typos and stylistic things, I’m never sure about case sensitivity in English.

Thanks a lot,

# Subsection Manager Upgrade

Subsection Manager is a replacement of the Mediathek field introducing a new interface and an improved feature set. Subsection Manager requires Symphony 2.1 and should not be used side-by-side with Mediathek. This page will help you upgrading your fields from Mediathek to Subsection Manager.

## Before you proceed

- Please make sure that you have an up-to-date backup of your site containing all files and folders and a copy of your database. **If you don't have a backup, create one now!** 
- Upgrading your Mediathek fields to Subsection Manager will alter your database. **This process cannot be undone!**

## Upgrading your Mediathek

The Subsection Manager Upgrade will automatically perform the following actions:

1. Replace all Mediathek fields with the Subsection Manager copying all attached information to the new fields.
2. Uninstall the Mediathek extension removing all references in the database.

The Mediathek folder will stay intact in your extension folder. You will have to delete it manually.

[Upgrade all Mediathek fields](#action)


# Subsection Manager Upgrade successful

Your Mediathek fields have successfully been upgrade to Subsection Manager. Please delete the old Mediathek folder from your `extensions` folder.

[Go back to the extension overview](#link)


# Subsection Manager Upgrade

Your system is up-to-date.

[Go back to the extension overview](#link)
    # Subsection Manager Upgrade

Subsection Manager is a replacement of the Mediathek field, introducing a new interface and an improved feature set. Subsection Manager requires Symphony 2.1 and should not be used side-by-side with Mediathek. This page will help you upgrading your fields from Mediathek to Subsection Manager.

## Before you proceed

- Please make sure that you have an up-to-date backup of your site, containing all files and folders, and a copy of your database. **If you don't have a backup, create one now!** 
- Upgrading your Mediathek fields to Subsection Manager will alter your database. **This process cannot be undone!**

## Upgrading your Mediathek

The Subsection Manager Upgrade will automatically perform the following actions:

1. Replace all Mediathek fields with the Subsection Manager, copying all attached information to the new fields.
2. Uninstall the Mediathek extension removing all references in the database.

The Mediathek folder will stay intact in your extension folder. You will have to delete it manually.

[Upgrade all Mediathek fields](#action)


# Subsection Manager Upgrade successful

Your Mediathek fields have successfully been upgrade to Subsection Manager. Please delete the old Mediathek folder from your 'extensions' folder.

[Go back to the extension overview](#link)


# Subsection Manager Upgrade

Your system is up-to-date.

[Go back to the extension overview](#link)

Just added a few commas to help readability… I could be wrong though, my English isn’t the greatest, even though I am English!

I have a quick question about Subsection Manager too;

When I add an image, It doesn’t add it to the list of files straight away. I click the create entry button, select my image, then I have to save the section before it shows my uploaded file in the list. This means I have to save my section twice. Is there a way to automatically refresh the list so I only need to save the page once?

Thanks for reading the text, Mark.

Concerning your problem: I’m not sure if this is what you are talking about, but if we want to keep the interface consistent you will always have to save twice:

  1. Create New will create a new subsection item which will be saved to your subsection (which is outside of the section you are currently working in). This is the first saving process.
  2. Until now, your newly created entry is only saved in the section that is integrated as subsection. Clicking save at the bottom of your current entry will actually link your newly created item to the current entry. This is the second saving process.

If your experiencing a different behaviour, please fill out a bug report on GitHub.

No problem!

I am experiencing a different behavior yes. I will try re-install Symphony and Subsection Manager, if that doesn’t help, I’ll report it.

Maybe your problem is related to one of these issues reported on GitHub:

I think that describes it yes. I click the create new button, and it doesn’t add the upload to the selected item list, nor does it show it in whats already uploaded. I have to save the section, then expand the Subsection Manager list, then select what I have just uploaded.

This is still happening after re-installing everything too, now running Symphony 2.10.

FWIW, Nils, I’ve always wanted to build an Autosave extension, and was hoping that the work Nick and I were doing (well, mostly Nick) on the REST API extension would make that possible.

Then just last night in bed I lied awake for about two hours puzzling through a new extension idea that would also probably require dynamic saving, though this one is a big one and might wait until S3.

So, Craig, what do you think: Should the Subsection Manager automatically attach items to the parent section’s entry after creation? Is there some kind of “official” position?

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