
Upgrading Mediathek: Tester needed

I just pushed the Mediathek upgrade script to GitHub which should automatically replace all Mediathek fields with Subsection Manager instances. This feature needs to be heavily tested.

Is there anyone around who would be so kind and help testing the script?

The Upgrader automatically pops up in the extension overview when you have installed both, Mediathek and Subsection Manager. Just follow the steps on screen to test the script:

  • Please make sure that you have an up-to-date backup of your test site, containing all files and folders, and a copy of your database. If you don’t have a backup, create one now!
  • Upgrading your Mediathek fields to Subsection Manager will alter your database. This process cannot be undone!

Thanks for your help!

Frode, if you’d like to start with the Norwegian translation, I consider the current Subsection Manager dictionary as complete.

In the German translation I sticked to the name “Subsection Manager” although this is not a German word but “Unterbereichsverwaltung” sounded too different and bureaucratic. It would be nice if all translations could stick to the original English name.

Subsection Manager 1.0 Release Candidate 2

Available on GitHub:

If you are working with Git, please clone the development branch of this extension which contains all components as submodules. Please don’t forget to pull the submodules as well. If you are not using Git and want to install this extension using FTP, please just download a copy of the release branch which bundles all needed submodules.


Whoever is using this release candidate: please provide me with some feedback. Saying everything is working fine is one of the most welcome messages :)


If anyone tested the upgrade feature I would really appreciate success or failure messages.

I’m just about to implement loads of Subsection Managers on my build, so I will upgrade them to this release candidate and give some feedback!

I (and I think loads of others) am really impressed with all the time and dedication you’ve put into this extension! I don’t think I’ve seen so much dedication!

It’s super impressive so far :)

@Nils: I can start working on the Italian localisation of the Subsection Manager.

In the German translation I sticked to the name “Subsection Manager” although this is not a German word but “Unterbereichsverwaltung” sounded too different and bureaucratic. It would be nice if all translations could stick to the original English name.

It could be a good idea to append the translated name to the English one, e.g.

Subsection Manager - Gestore di sottosezioni

What do you think?

That’s a good idea, Simone.

I (and I think loads of others) am really impressed with all the time and dedication you’ve put into this extension! I don’t think I’ve seen so much dedication!

I was young and needed the extension … or something like that ;)

Nils, do you need someone to do the dutch translation, or is somebody already doing so?

If anyone tested the upgrade feature I would really appreciate success or failure messages.

Nothing happens here. I get a confirm box saying: “I have a backup ….”, when I click ok, I return to the same page, without a reload or anything.

EDIT: Ah, I didn’t have any mediathek fields installed. Maybe that’s why it didn’t work?

Huib, as far a I know there is no one working on the Dutch translation yet. There will be a German, Norwegian and Italian translation. So feel free to submit a Dutch one.

EDIT: Ah, I didn’t have any mediathek fields installed. Maybe that’s why it didn’t work?

Hm, you should be redirected to a success message nevertheless.

Ah, there is some debugging code left in the JavaScript file: Please remove line 25 from /assets/upgrade.mediathek.js:

25: event.preventDefault();

For those working on translations: Please fork the GitHub repository, add your translation file to the development branch and send me a pull request. Thanks!

So who tried the release candidate?
Who stopped using it, crying because everything is broken?
And who is sitting in a park, relaxing with a smiling face because everything is working?

sitting in a park

That’s me. Sure, I still intend to break it — when the time comes. :-)

Michael, I’ll give you a week until the release :)

I’ll give you one week of work if that stuff isn’t great! :-))



  1. The ‘Click here to create a new item’ link does not work.
  2. If a section accidentaly has no fields, an error is thrown by the interpreter because the $fields array is invalid.

Out of curiosity, why did you use ‘Allow deselection of items’? In my opinion this option is not about deselecting items, but more about editing/deleting them.

The Italian translation is almost ready, just minor changes to apply. Now back to study magnetism for my next exam… :/

Thanks for the reports.

If a section accidentaly has no fields, an error is thrown by the interpreter because the $fields array is invalid.

Where exactly does this happen?

Out of curiosity, why did you use ‘Allow deselection of items’? In my opinion this option is not about deselecting items, but more about editing/deleting them.

No, deselecting and deleting are two different actions:

  1. You can deselect an item (which just removes it from the list) and
  2. you can edit an item and delete it.

The option is about the first action.

Now back to study magnetism for my next esam… :/

Good luck!

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