
Anyone had issues with hyphens in the keywords before? I have a list of products and some contain hyphens, like narva globes - bulk. This throws a symphony error, I logged an issue on github but if someone else has encountered this before and has a solution I would be much obliged!

I'm having some troubles with keywords containing special characters, like 'ú', 'é', 'á'. Every search using keyworkds with special chars returns nothing. Someone knows how to go through it and make it works?

Great Effort. Thanks

I'm working on a site with Symphony version 2.2.3 installed. Is there any way to get Search Index to work with this version, or will it only work up to version 2.2.1?

Does it not work? Can you tell us what is happening?

I've set up the sections I want to index (selected the fields for each section). However, when I select the sections I want to index and then run "Re-Index Entries", the index size for each section is only one entry. Is there something I'm missing for getting all entries for each section indexed?

Had it working with 2.2.3 from standard installation before...

Try selecting all fields of the section, then re-index.

Remembered an issue I had similar, is the section content being added by the XML Importer?

I tried selecting all fields. Still only one entry indexed.

After selecting the section and running Re-Index, the output in the Index Size columns first says "Waiting to re-index", then flashes "Indexing page 1 of NaN", then says "undefined entries". After refreshing the Indexes page, it reads "1 entry".

The section content is being added in the standard Symphony admin.

Has anyone else had to deal with this issue?

Do I need to a filter in each section to get all entries indexed?

After selecting the section and running Re-Index, the output in the Index Size columns first says "Waiting to re-index", then flashes "Indexing page 1 of NaN", then says "undefined entries"

Indexing is bombing out. Could you open your browser's web inspector to see the AJAX requests that are being made. Open up this AJAX request in a new tab, and see if you can see an error on the page. If the page is blank, try adding php_flag display_errors 1 to the top of your .htaccess file.

For those that are waiting for v2 of Search Index that I demonstrated at the Cologne Symposium earlier this month, I've made the tough decision to postpone its release until after Symphony 2.3 is out. So it'll be released around the end of the year. Ish.

What a shame. Does this mean that it will not be compatible with 2.2.x?

Yep. Simply too busy.

I ran the AJAX request in a separate window. Here's what I got, but I'm not sure what kind of error it is:

{"Indexing page {$page} of {$total}":"Indexing page {$page} of {$total}","{$total} entries":"{$total} entries","{$total} entry":"{$total} entry"}

Hmm not sure where that is coming from, I don't understand that format. The AJAX request will be to a page at this URL:


In fact if you load up this URL (adding your own section ID, this is the numeric ID that you can get from Blueprints > Sections) then you should see the error:


Ok. Here's the error I got:

preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Compilation failed: support for P, p, and X has not been compiled at offset 1
An error occurred in /var/www/vhosts/ around line 116

111:             '/((?<= )|^)p{Pd}+(?![p{N}p{Sc}])/u',
112:         // Remove consecutive spaces
113:             '/ +/',
114:         ),
115:         ' ',
116:         $text );
117: }

Would this have anything to do with special characters in the data?

@Nickdunn I am trying to figure out how to search across domains. I have 1 central site that contains/provides most of the content for multiple 'satellite' sites.

On these satellite sites I need to provide a searchform searching through both content of that particular site (which is just 1 section: PageContent) and content from the central site (multiple sections).

Would it be possible to have SearchIndex return results from a 'local' Section and a 'remote' Section? What would be the best way to tackle this challenge?

Think I've figured out the error. The strip_punctuation function was killing the indexing. I disabled it and now it looks like it's working in 2.2.3.

Think I've figured out the error. The strip_punctuation function was killing the indexing. I disabled it and now it looks like it's working in 2.2.3.

D'oh! I'm also having problems with this function on my local build, and it's one of the things holding up my release of the extension. Thanks for letting me know, I'll investigate further.

I know it seems like multiple people have posted this issue, but then it just starts working for them, lol ..

Invalid search sections


I'm using ?keywords=foo&sections=articles with this screenshot

what am I doing wrong :(

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