
After disable stem, I got this error:

Fatal error: Class 'PorterStemmer' not found in -----/extensions/search_index/data-sources/ on line 206

Thanks rcg, this is fixed.

Whoa, this sounds like I have a speech impediment...

This is a buggy one! There is no link to author's website in extensions view ;)

Hi Nick,

Thank you for an amazing extension.

I've recently given it a try and I've noticed that the search function is case sensitive. Is there a way it could be set to non-case-sensitive?

Cheers, Ovi

It certainly shouldn't be case sensitive! What version are you using, and can you provide some examples of search queries that exhibit this incorrect behaviour?

Nick what if the search string conteins a number? I was testing and whilw trying to search for a number instead of a word i get a xslt compyle error.

is it possible to include numbers in the queries? if not how could i catch this error to show a "invalid search string" message?

I looked at the result of a search, using less chars than the min-word-length, and using a number to search, for both i get this error:

MySQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY `e`.`id`DESC' at line 10 in query "SELECT SQL_CACHE `e`.id,
                    `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`,
                    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`
            FROM `esfera_entries` AS `e`
             LEFT JOIN `esfera_search_index` AS search_index ON ( = search_index.entry_id) 
            WHERE 1

            AND `e`.`section_id` = '24' 
            ORDER BY `e`.`id`DESC"

Any ideia of what could it be?

I got the same error as duhpc - sym 2.2.1, search index 0.9.1

EDIT: Somehow I confused verison 0.9.1 and 0.9.0, i uninstalled and reinstalled then the version number dropped from 0.9.1 to 0.9.0, by uninstalling, deleting the extension and reinstalling the latest (0.9.1) it now works

I pushed a fix to the repo for this but never announced it here, or made a new release. Grabbing the repo HEAD will contain the fix!

Hi Nick, have hit that old wall with a multilingual site using Search Index. Is there any scope or method that your aware of that could leverage the multilingual fields output in order to search on the data in the secondary language in a 2 language site?

Understand if this is beyond the scope of discussion but it relates to the use of Search Index specifically here.


My position hasn't really changed from here I'm afraid. I'd like to see multilingual in the core, or at least a standardised approach, before considering implementing it for Search Index.

Appreciated, no worries at all. Awesome extension by the way.

@moonoo2: I have a forked a version of one of the first releases of Search Index extension that works with ML field:

As you can see is the version 0.2a of Search Index extension, so the improvements and bug fixes make in posterior versions are not applied here.

@guillem_I, I tried your fork, but it threw errors on a 2.2.2 install and I couldn't see what would fix it. Whenever I went to the Search index tab in the admin nav, it threw an exception. I'll see if I can replicate the issue on another local install, but Have resorted to nickdunns origianl extension due to it working on 2.2.2. right now. Have convinced client that the search is overkill when there are only 15 videos at I can hold out for a while anyways.

Hi Nick,

Great extension!

I'm having an issue where there are no search logs being created.

Checked config.php and 'log-keywords' => 'yes'. I'm running my search using query string and I'm receiving results back fine but when I check logs from back end there is nothing there.

Also looked at symsearchindex_logs table and there are no records in there.

I followed the instructions from GitHub readme (2. Fulltext search in a data source (single section)), everything looks good apart from logs. Anything obvious I could have missed?

I'm using Symphony 2.2.1 and Search Index 0.9.1.

Anything obvious I could have missed?

Nope you're not doing anything wrong. It's an extension bug — the logging code doesn't exist at all for the single section search! I'll need to use this code in the search index field as well as the data source. Added to my todo list.

Hi Nick, I'm just playing around with your index search extension. I've created a new datasource that is filtered by the $ds-search output parameter. It works fine as long as there are search results, however, if there are no results at all, meaning $ds-search is empty, my datasource is including all available entries.

I think it's more a DS filtering issue, but any help would be appreciated

EDIT: note to myself: first think, then talk. It's so obvious, {$ds-search:false} will do the job.

Is there a way I could hide Search Index menu from authors. I want only developers to have access to it.

You could try Author Roles to see if that helps?

Edit: Sorry, it's an extension.

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