
Interesting, it didn't error for me when I attached them both...

Thanks for the addition Nick, I may have to skip it this project though... One section alone contains 11,000+ entries, and I'm just not that masochistic.

Shame. It performs well on massive data sets!

Search Index updated to version 0.8.3 on 27th of May 2011

  • Fixes issues with multibyte characters: keyword highlighting, suggestion matching and suggestion results encoding
  • Fix table prefixes
  • Allow section handles to be passed as an array to search data source
  • Do not HTML-encode the tags wrapping excerpt highlights
  • Fix CSV log file name

I'm using multilingual , and when giving the french key word for search input i'm getting this error.. help me to fix this

    **XSLT Processing Error**

    This page could not be rendered due to the following XSLT processing errors.


        **Line 314**
    loadXML(): Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
 Bytes: 0xE3 0xA8 0x67 0x65 in Entity, line: 314

This is my error and in back end search logs Siège keyword is adjusted as si??ge

Odd. When you get this error, are you able to append ?debug to the page, and then pastie your XML? Also, are you using the latest version of Search Index (0.8.3)? I just uploaded a fix for a possibly related bug.

Search Index updated to version 0.9.0 on 1st of June 2011

  • small fixes for keyword highlighting in excerpts
  • added a Dashboard panel to show recent searches

i cant able to ?debug. I'm using version 0.6.4 and working in symphony 2.1.2

I'm using version 0.6.4

Hmm there have been various bug fixes since then (since this extension is still evolving), so I strongly recommend using the latest, now 0.9.0. You might need Symphony 2.2.

Thank u nick. Actually my project is close to completion. Is there any possibility to do change with existing This is the line where i'm getting error when the key word is Siège

<search keywords="si??ge" sort="score-recency" direction="desc">

Is there any way to hide the sections url param from the url?

I have my search setup to use an event to redirect to a different page based on the sections chosen in the search, and because of this, I would like to hide the sections GET url param somehow on certain pages...

Is this even possible?

Ignore me. That's what the single section stuff is for (dope!)

Or you can use the default_sections in the config to store sections to fall back to when none are specified in the URL. What I've also done in the past is write my own small custom data source which extends the custom Search Index data source, so I can do a bit of my own logic (e.g. setting sections to search within) and then call the original grab function.

Now that is a good idea! Can we have an example please Mr Dunn?

For a proof of concept for the Symphony site. Instead of passing all the sections in the URL I chose to pass a filter handle that represents them. I then pluck the right string of sections and falsify the $_GET before running the search.

Which, funnily enough, is exactly what I've been doing, but in an event! But I've been running into not so clean urls as a result!

I never thought about extending a datasource! That's definitely one nifty trick for the docs list.

Doing it this way lets me leave the URL as is and change the params secretly (shhh!). I like it.

Nick, i've got the following error when trying to setup your extension:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
An error occurred in /var/www/docs/extensions/search_index/data-sources/ around line 125
foreach(SearchIndex::getIndexes() as $section_id => $index) {

Oops, after re-index -- solved.

I'm using multilingual filed and my search Index is just searching the English field and not searching the content in French field. Am i missing out anything.. Please help me.. I'm using symphony 2.1.2

Good spot, Tim. I've fixed this.

I'm using multilingual filed and my search Index is just searching the English field and not searching the content in French field

Unfortunately the Search Index extension is not compatible with the multilingual field. The multilingual field uses some non-standard Symphony logic which the search extension would need to adopt itself to be compatible, and I'm worried it would lose its generic-ness.

Giel did add support but this was for a much older version of Search Index. I was not able to merge his code as Search Index has been evolving very quickly. If you really need multilingual support, then you could try using the older version of Search Index (the version in Giel's fork), but please remember this version would be old and contain bugs that have since been fixed.

I don't really have a solution right now.

Nick, by the way, could you help me with urlencoding of GET data? Which Symphony script should i modify to make automatic conversion of none latin data? Otherwise it's inconvenient to use smth like:


where question marks correspond to keywords in cyrillic :-(

Not sure what you mean — is this a Search Index bug? Symphony should be fully Cyrillic-compliant, so long as you're using UTF-8 character sets.

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