
Ah, looks like you’re using an un-patched Symphony 2.0.7. The official 2.0.7 on this site has a JavaScript bug which will prevent other JS from running. Can anyone offer advice on how to patch?

You seem to run an outdated version of 2.0.7. There has been a fix for this JavaScript problem (which is definitely included in 2.0.8 RC3, and it should be included in the current 2.0.7 ZIP download). I would request to update to 2.0.8 RC3 anyway. This version, although carrying release candidate status, is already better than 2.0.7. Make sure to update your extensions as well!

There has been an intermediate problem with the Markdown extension (because formatter names had been changed), but this should be solved as well. You may check if the formatter is set for the textarea field, then re-save the entry. The formatted (!) field output of the data source should be HTML then.

Nick, you are too fast for me…

Here is the patch, just in case you want to apply it to your current build:

I checked the current ZIP download of Symphony 2.0.7 (which actually is a “stability update” to 2.0.7). The fix is included there.

The sooner 2.0.8 is released the better. I don’t like living in limbo!

Hey thanks for the feedback. I am already running off a clone of the official git repo. I am currently checked out at 8734d74d3e5ff9846a20135af7463b8fe41841c which is what the repo comes in at. Should I just apply the patch of move up versions?

As always, awesome extension here Nick.

Just noticed a tiny bug in the jQuery using this (v1.9) in Symphony 2.1.1 - firebug complains about:

Syntax error, unrecognized expression: (drag to reorder)

It seems that using a different selector fixes this. Changed line 14 of order.js from

$('h2:first *:first').before(' (drag to reorder) ');


$('#nav + h2 > *:first').before(' (drag to reorder) ');

and it’s all good. Not sure if that’s perfect though.

This extension is a must for me and I’m really glad you’ve done it.

However, I think that one little thing is missing.

I never show an “ordering” column to clients, that’s pretty obvious. But I wish they could either sort or order entries, two possibilities at the same time. I think it is not possible now because, if there is no “ordering” column and sorting is enabled, there is no way to come back to ordering (by clicking a column title).

I would like sorting to be allowed, but I would also like it to be disabled as soon as an author changes an order by hand (thanks to your extension).

How about this?

I’ve had someone raising the same issue. Their solution (although not implemented) is to have a “Reorder” button, possibly next to the create new button. When clicked, it will sort the table via the order column and rename “Reorder” to “Done”. To finish ordering, click the Done button which will revert to the original sort method.

This sounds like a good approach.

I never show an “ordering” column to clients, that’s pretty obvious. But I wish they could either sort or order entries, two possibilities at the same time.

The limitation I hit is that for ordering to happen you need to show all entries on one page. So this extension temporarily disables the pagination limit and will show all entries in a section on the page.

Are you saying you’d not want to show the “Order” column? In my experience it is useful for the client to see the number as a reference, particularly when they’re ordering the content by another column in the backend.

I would like sorting to be allowed, but I would also like it to be disabled as soon as an author changes an order by hand (thanks to your extension).

I’m not really following, could you explain a different way?

I’ve had someone raising the same issue. Their solution (although not implemented) is to have a “Reorder” button, possibly next to the create new button. When clicked, it will sort the table via the order column and rename “Reorder” to “Done”. To finish ordering, click the Done button which will revert to the original sort method.

I like this. But the question remains as to whether the Order column should be shown or not.

Are you saying you’d not want to show the “Order” column?

I all cases I have used this extension I’ve hidden that column.

How do you order things then?

I just drag them around :)

First, I show the column and sort by it to activate the drag to sort feature. I then hide the column. It still works. I use the publish filter to search for certain entries or categories.

First, I show the column and sort by it to activate the drag to sort feature. I then hide the column. It still works

Ah that’s what I thought you might do ;-) In which case Allen’s suggestion of an “edit mode” (much like the Dashboard extension provides) would make the workflow easier to diving in and out of this mode. I’ll consider this in the next version for sure.

I often use the Order Entries Field for sections that won’t have a lot of entries (like a course calendar where we add two terms a year). In these cases there is no need to be able to deactivate reordering: it’s just natural to see all the entries and to drag them around. So while I like the idea of a reorder button, I’d still need a “stealth” mode which only allows drag and sort and nothing else.

Figured out my issue in the meantime.

I have the same problem as rainerborene:

@nickdunn I can’t get it working. I think it’s not changing the entryorder value on symsections table.

What should I do?

What specific problem are you having? What version of Symphony are you using, and what version of Order Entries? Have you installed from scratch or updated from a previous version of the extension?

Sorry I forgot. From scratch:

  • Symphony 2.1.2
  • Order Entries 1.8

The query: (class “extensionorderentries“)

SELECT entry_order, entry_order_direction FROM sym_sections WHERE handle='myHandle'

The result: (method “activeOrderField“)

$section['entry_order_direction'] = 'asc';
$section['entry_order']           = null;

Have you sorted the publish table by your visible Order Entries column (clicking the column heading)? This should update the sections table.

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