
This should update the sections table.

Good to know. It works. Thanks!

Order Entries updated to version 1.9.1 on 6th of February 2011

Order Entries updated to version 1.9.2 on 7th of February 2011

Order Entries updated to version 1.9.3 on 7th of February 2011

Order Entries updated to version 1.9.5 on 15th of February 2011

This fixes a bug whereby ordering fails when the Entry Order field is the last column in the table.

Order Entries updated to version 1.9.6 on 16th of February 2011

Order Entries gets some translation love :-)

Hi, I’m getting two strange JS errors when I change my sort order to descending, which is preventing the extension from working:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘add’ of undefined - Firebug: Symphony.Context is undefined - Javascript: Symphony.Context.add(‘order-entries’, {“id”:”41”,”force-sort”:null});

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘get’ of undefined - Javascript: this.config = Symphony.Context.get(‘order-entries’);

This error is being thrown in Chrome/Firefox

I believe that the 1.9.x branch of the Order Entries extension is compatible with 2.2 only.

@brendo, thanks. I think the markdown needs to be updated to reflect this.


Symphony Order Entries 2.0.3 – 2.1.* 1.9 2.2.* latest

Otherwise, nice extension thanks!

For 2.0.3 to 2.1.* you should be able to use Order Entries 1.9. Versions 1.9.1+ only work with Symphony 2.2.

Yeap, it's definetly a bug in this case.

I have a News section. I'm using the order entries field to create the "previous" / "next" functionality. I have a DS outputing the "sort" value of the current entry and 2 DSs (one for previous and the other for next entry) which use this param in a filter like so (previous):

mysql: value < {$ds-pagina-stiri-detalii-stire}

The problem is that I get an error in my XML output. See the image in attachment.

I fixed it by changing in extensions/order_entries/fields/field.order_entries.php line 184

return sprintf('<span class="order">%d</span>', $data['value']);

with this

return $data['value'];

BUT this breaks the reordering for entries in any section. Is there a solution to this?


The span is returned in the field's prepareTableValue which adds the table cell when you show this field as a column in the backend table. It needs a span for easier DOM manipulation and styling. If a Symphony field doesn't specify otherwise, the value returned from the prepareTableValue method will also be used as the value when the field is used as a data source output parameter. This is obviously wrong for this extension, so the fix will be for me to specify the getParameterPoolValue method for the field, overriding the default Symphony behaviour.

Try adding this to field.order_entries.php:

public function getParameterPoolValue($data){
    return $data['value'];

That should return the correct (integer) value to the param pool. If you can confirm, I'll package up a new release.

Right on spot. Thank you for the explanation. It works as expected.

Nick, I am using the field with the latest code from the Symphony integration branch. Looks like the "Disable sorting of other columns when enabled" functionality is broken. Where should I post the bug?

Looks like the "Disable sorting of other columns when enabled" functionality is broken. Where should I post the bug?

Strange, it's working for me. Have you sorted by the Order Entries Field?

If this is only broken with the integration branch, then I can't consider it a bug just yet as Symphony integration is a moving target. May as well report it here. Can you elaborate on "broken"?

For me it's broken with Symphony 2.2 as well as the integration branch. By "broken" I mean that sorting using other columns is always possible, even if I previously sorted using the Entry Order Field's column in the table. The latter should switch sorting off, at least it did so previously.

I even installed the extension on a rather fresh version of Symphony (i.e. a test version with just a few other extensions), but still no luck.

Confirmed this is a bug, thanks! I accidentally omitted the code that implements this functionality when I rewrote the JavaScript in the latest version. Fixed locally, a new version coming shortly.

Interesting that it was working fine for me - maybe I was confusing installs.

Question: Would it possible that this option is somehow changed to automatically set the sorting to this field. It's just an additional step that you have to go to the publish area and select this field's row to activate the intended behaviour. As you cannot toggle the sorting modes in the publish area itself, the section settings could work like a real on/off switch.

Confirmed this is a bug, thanks!

You are welcome. :-)

I like Nils' idea.

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