
Hi Guys, probably a stupid question here.

We've got a Symphony 2.2 running that we cannot update for at least another few weeks. Which still runs on the old Language Redirect, some 2010 version if Not mistaken. (was not updated because of some dependencies).

Would there be any 'short-cut' to make this work until we get to update?

First of all, please attach a .zip with the Language Redirect. Wanna see what's in there.

Note that earliest version of PLH (1.2) depends on at least Language Redirect 1.0.2. LR v1.0.2 introduces the possibility to statically access Language information. If you have a version prior to 1.0.2, bad luck ...

Even the latest version (PLH v2.4) is compatible with LR v1.0.2.

Ah shit no problem. we're running 1.0beta here... Will try schedule a whole Symphony + extensions update.

Thanks for the quick reply though :)

Hi, I'm using Symphony 2.3, Page LHandles 2.6.1, Language Redirect 1.0.3 and Frontend Localisation 1.6.5. I have an issue with url handle on symphony page.

Situation : Symphony page : (PHL handle en)/strategy-en (PHL handle fr)/strategy-fr (Symphony handle) /strategy

Datasource FL and PHL are attached to this page. I create a domain for each language, with htaccess rules to have the good params like (?fl-language=fr) etc The translation of text works etc

The issue : => work (shouldn't) or strategy-fr => doesn't work domain.en/strategy => work (shouldn't)

I think the system does not take the informations provided by Lhandles, which is really strange because we test the system with Symphony 2.2.5 and PHL 2.3 and it works. So maybe some trouble with new symphony ? or i do a mistake somewhere ??

Someone have already test with these version ?

Someone have already test with these version ?

I'm using them already without issues (except Language Redirect).

Very courious. Can you insert this code after line 215 and post back the output?




string '/strategies-fr/' (length=15)
string '/strategies-fr/' (length=15)

Should have /strategies/, if i set to this, it works. I'm debuging PLHManagerURL to find why i have this issue.

Thanks for help.

I think i find what is the issue. On this line line74 , i think should have

$lang_code = FLang::getLang();
instead of
$lang_code = FLang::getMainLang();

Before we get the mainlang, that one set by default, not the current. Can you confirm ?

Try changing line 215 from extension.driver.php to

$context['page'] = PLHManagerURL::lang2sym($url, Flang::getLangCode());

Most probably this is the bug.

It works, thanks :) Now all subpage symphony doesn't work :( I'm debuging and for the moment i saw that "Parent page" are changed but not childs.

I'm debuging and for the moment i saw that "Parent page" are changed but not childs.

Make sure the URL is built correctly in the front-end.

line168 , you write

$last_parent = null;

What is it for ? in this case parent are always reset. I comment this part and child symphony work. Is it ok for you ?

On System -> Preferences page set Operating mode from Page LHandles group to Strict.

Relax mode is for URL Router compatibility and only if you know what it's doing (see readme).

All right it work with strict (for the moment). I know what i'm doing :) and i use url router and param*, that 's why i set to "relax" but apparently if i take care of all name param/page etc i will not have collision :)

Anyway thanks a lot, have a nice week end.

I know what i'm doing :)

Good to know ;)

Relax mode is for situations where you want to mix page handles and page params in the URL:

BUT ... since with Symphony 2.3 URL Router will always fire AFTER Page LHandles, the above URL is technically impossible to process correctly in multilingual setups. Until this issue is solved or AT LEAST the order of execution of extension delegates won't rely on alphabetical extension name (Symphony 2.3), but on order of install (Symphony 2.2), URLs like the above will not be possible :(

Question: How can i generate my main menu in the actual language with the navigation datasource if only the current-page title and handle are displayed in de plh page datasource?


Hi, You should be able to use the Navigation Data-source for that. Once you install page handles the output of the Navigation Data-source is changed to reflect the current language so you should not have any problems there :)

Gunglien, my Navigation Datasource is the same as before installing the Page LHandles. I use latest versions of symphony and PageLhandles.

Gunglien, ok i had to recreate the navigation datasource, now this is working! Thank you for the confirmation.

No worries, sorry couldn't reply earlier to confirm. I had an older 2.2.5 install using the Navigation Data-source so was sure it works, had it over with a 2.3 but I didn't have access to it when I replied but should have been the same.

Glad you managed to solve the issue :)

DELETED (was a template issue and not extension related)

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