
Did you know you don't actually need task runners like Grunt and Gulp most of the time? It's possible and pretty easy to run tasks directly with npm (also here) or even simple shell scripts.

@jens I'd rather have a watch function set up to do the 8-10 tasks gulp takes care of, than run them manually in bash :)

But that is an interesting resource, npm is still pretty new to me (I haven't used node outside of this use-case) so always good to see other ways of using it.

I'd rather have a watch function set up to do the 8-10 tasks gulp takes care of, than run them manually in bash :)

I have another simple shell script (also here) that watches for changes and runs the build script. Not sure if this is as easy to do in OS X, moved my dev environment into an ubuntu virtual box recently.

@jensscherbl inotifywatch is not available for os x, however one can tweak this script using fswatch (install fswatch with homebrew)

FYI, the Asset Compiler extension listed earlier in this thread has now been deprecated. As noted there @iwyg has a better engineered replacement/alternative called Assets.

2nd FYI - for those discussing a Gulp system, I've today released a Gulp setup pre-configured for Symphony - see announcement thread - sorry to semi-spam this thread since it actually uses Stylus rather than SASS, but it would be trivial to replace the one with the other. The benefit of course, as noted by others, is that you gain access to all the extras gulp can provide above and beyond just CCS pre-compilation.

@firegoby I strongly recommend against using my extension, it was meant for a project but was eventually dumped in favor of build scripts and the like. If you really need asset management to be handled by the system, use something like assetic — it's a well tested and accepted asset management library.

@iwyg - Ah ok, thanks for letting me know - would you like me to remove the reference to it in my deprecation notice? (I, like you, have dumped the strategy in favour of build systems)

@firegoby I'd appreciate that. Thanks

If you really need asset management to be handled by the system, use something like assetic — it's a well tested and accepted asset management library.

Tried it, didn't work. Seems to have lots of dependencies that are neither included nor documented and also not handled by composer. Just throwing PHP errors for missing classes instead.

The dependencies are well declared in the composer.json file. It just doesn't make much sense to pull in e.g. less* libs if you need only sass, therefore there not installed by default (but with --dev). You may look into the symfony assetic bundle how they have set it up. It's shipped with the full symfony framework.

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