
I think I found the culprit.

Actually, it looks like Nick Dunn’s Section Schema (v. 1.2) extension was conflicting with TinyMCE. When I deleted the data source that I created with Section Schema, TinyMCE did not give me that error.

I tested it again… Section Schema indeed does conflict with it. Only when you append the Section Schema datasource of a section that has a field with TinyMCE, it gives you the fatal error.

NOTE: I also posted a comment on the issues page on the Section Schema extension page on Nick’s github.

Section Schema calls the displayPublishPanel method on each field to grab the HTML that is usually shown in the backend. This is a bit of a hack. The TinyMCE extenstion hooks into a delegate ModifyTextareaFieldPublishWidget which is called just before the textarea is rendered, and this is seemingly called regardless of whether the field is produced by the backend page (Administration) or a Section Schemas data source (Frontend).

The fix is to check in the TinyMCE delegate callback whether the current context is frontend or backend. Change line 29 of richtext_tinymce/extension.driver.php from this:


To this:

if((!defined('__TINYMCE_SCRIPTS_IN_HEAD__') || !__TINYMCE_SCRIPTS_IN_HEAD__) && $this->_Parent instanceOf Administration){

This check means that it will only attempt to add the required TinyMCE JavaScript files to backend pages, and not frontend pages (where it will fail and error). I’ll submit this patch to the owner.

So i was wondering if i can usr this plug in to add to my froms on a page? Is this possible? if so how?

This extension is specifically to enable the WYSIWYG editor for textareas in the back end. On the front end, you’d implement TinyMCE by following the normal instructions:

does this site use the TinyMCE? the one for this form box?

I think this forum uses WMD.

ooo nice. Does anyone know which one is better? Why should someone choice one over the other?

TinyMCE is a WYSIWYG editor. WMD is a WYSIWYM editor. The link ashooner provided describes the difference thoroughly.

I have always wondered why there is no extension to integrate WMD into the backend.

I think there’s some sort of issue where it’s difficult to get more than one instance on a page…

Oh okay, what did the developers of WMD say about that?

Why not create an extension that’s able to add one WMD to the backend? I’ve come to love this editor so much… :-)

Edit: I saw a posted issue on Google Code. Its from 2008 though…

Yeah looks like it hasn’t been updated in a year and a half… any JavaScript whizzes wanna take a crack at fixing it ;)

Rich Text (TinyMCE) Text Formatter updated to version 2.0 on 22nd of March 2011

Nick, was this update purely to the Symphony code? Or does it also include the most recent version of TinyMCE? Thanks,

This update pulls in TinyMCE v3.4. It seems to look almost identical to TinyMCE v2x so I don't know what they changed. I tidied up the CSS a little so the tiny Verdana styling is gone and now looks a bit more like Symphony. It's still not pretty, but it's better than it was.

Great, thank you.

how to include image browser ?

Isn't supported. If you want it, you'll need to code it.

There's a few free onces out there also, but you'll need to do some custom installation to do this. I wrote up some instructions for doing so in is post:

Nick, thank you for keeping this up to date. I love it, it's very friendly and easy to use by the end user.

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