
Ok, I've tried a fix. Can you pull from Github and see if that solves it? Thanks.

Problem solved. Thanks!

Tracker updated to version 0.9.9 on 11th of May 2011

  • Fix entry formatting bug
  • Fix 'clear all' bug

Thanks, Craig!

Thank you!


Thanks for your work on this - everybody I've shown this to has said its the greatest thing they've ever seen. I think it might even sway a few people I know to try Symphony!

Thanks Henry :-) Shout if you have any suggestions!

Craig, after upgrading from 2.2RC to 2.2.1 i've got some errors pointing the Tracker. trying to reinstall it again throws the following funny error: MySQL Error (1146): Table 'db.symtrackeractivity' doesn't exist in query "INSERT INTO sym_tracker_activity (item_type, item_id, action_type, user_id, timestamp, fallback_username, fallback_description) VALUES ('extensions', 'tracker', 'uninstalled', '1', '2011-05-20 13:32:18', 'Tim', 'the Tracker extension')"

Very strange. I can't reproduce this on 2.2.1. Theoretically the delegate that Tracker uses (the one that generates that MySQL statement) should fire before the extension itself is actually uninstalled (and the table deleted). So somehow you've managed to get the DB table deleted while Tracker's still enabled.

Either that or Tracker is trying to track itself even though it's not there. Which means it's become self-aware. Run!

I've solved the problem manually recreating the tracker's table. Craig, suppose smth went wrong during the upgrade from 2.2 to 2.2.1. Right upon finish i've tried to auth in backend page with errors (concerning the tracker and...the dashboard). i can't remember exactly what i've tried, but somehow caught the subject condition :-) Both adddons were the latest versions.

I have a nice idea, Craig!

Wouldn't it be cool if Tracker logged Members as well? At the moment, when no backend user is found, it immediately falls back to an anonymous log message "A front-end user... (has done something)". It might, however, check for a backend user first, then for a logged-in Member.

What I'd like to do, actually, is figure out a way for extensions to log their own activities. But perhaps Members is an important enough extension that I should build it right in. Will have to explore.

Maybe Tracker could register to delegate for logging? Extensions could notifyMembers, e.g.:

    'LogActivity', '/backend/',
        'extension' => 'my_extension',
        'item_type' => 'my_message',
        'item_id'   => 123,
        'action_type'   => 'created',
        'user_id'   => Symphony::Engine()->Author->get('id'),

Tracker could have default way for rendering custom items, but it would also notifyMembers before output, so extensions could render custom items themselves. Rendering that way could be a bit slow, so Tracker could check for some predefined function instead (or before notifying members), like formatActivityItem($activity).

That's just an idea, not code for final implementation of course :).

If LogActivity (or any other way it would be called) delegate would become "standard", other extensions could register to it too (for example: additional file logging extension). Maybe even Symphony could use that delegate too?

I would also love to see this working with Members, so that I could log into my backend and get an overview of what's been going on throughout the site. Would be cool.

I would also love to see this working with Members, so that I could log into my backend and get an overview of what's been going on throughout the site. Would be cool.


@czheng I’ve posted an issue on github. Is anyone else having the same problem?

Apart from that, tracker throws an error if I try to delete any tracked section entry.

@czheng any plans to continue development of this nicey extension? :)

This is now maintained by the Symphonists account here so anyone can fork and update it to keep it up to date :-)

anyone can fork and update it to keep it up to date

That's what I wanted to hear :)

Great! :)

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