
So, who of you is doing it?! :o)

I’m afraid my php-skills are not up to the task :{

I would like to have a look inside, but later this week. (got a long list of extension @todos)

I've started updating this for 2.3 and have squashed some bugs too. It'll be available in a few days.

Good job. Happy coding.


I know this complicates things, but would it be possible to have this work with the Members extension a little better? Right now by default when a front-end user edits something all you get is:

A front-end user created {x} in the {y} section.

That's still helpful as an administrator, but it's not super helpful if you want to make a sort of "Site Activity" feed for a Members site.

If it's possible, super cool, thanks for your time @nickdunn or whoever might want to work on this?

Hey, I had a problem with this extension and Limit Entries / Static section throwing an error. Here is a pull request which works around the issue.

Also I added a feature to ping a URL when it logs a new event if that is of any use (PR for it here too).

Cheers, Ross

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