

Justed wanted to note that petsagouris's fork works – besides a few wrong positioned buttons – like a charm.

Yes it does, but it is not fully Symphony 2.3 yet just as you commented. I am gonna get it in line soon... I've got my self into a classic asp legacy web page at the moment... ;(

I am pretty sure it cannot be done but I was looking for a way to use the generic Symphony /data/params in the Subject of an Email Template.

I'd like to be able to create a subject such as:

"General enquiry from {/data/params/website-name}"

…but the /data/params are not available. Is there a way around this? I can imagine it being handy.

The important params are avaliable! (Not in the XML, but as params for the transformation.) Just append ?debug=params to your layout preview URL and you should see them.

Try {$website-name}.

Gah! I can't believe I tried {/data/params/website-name} but not {$website-name}, mondays :) Thanks Michael, works fine.

I am glad I could help.

But: Don't ever misspell my name! (You might incur the wrath of the coder.)


What misspelling?!


You fixed it. But too late. I made 136 copies. LOL.

Any ideas why the following results in (duplicated?) data output via the default template at the end of my plain text email?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:output method="text"
    indent="no" />

<xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates match="/data/orders-etm"/>

<xsl:template match="/data/orders-etm">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="entry"/>
    <!-- Extra unwanted data is output here. Commenting out the above line stops it happening. -->

<xsl:template match="/data/orders-etm/entry">
    <!-- My entry data -->


ETM's preview page doesn't suffer from this.

Doing it as below, in one / template, doesn't give this problem, but I'd be interested to know if the above method can be used.

<xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:value-of select="/data/orders-etm/entry/order-number">

The following is a typo, isn't it?

<xsl:apply-templates match="/data/orders-etm"/>

Yes, it is. :-/ Working as expected now! Thanks.

And I can't use "Mondays" as my excuse.

Some weeks have a lot of Mondays!

Hmn, the development fork wont activate on my 2.3 installation. What could be wrong? I’m lost! Cheers!

Do you mean Nils' development branch?

Thanks for your reply Michael,

nope, I tried petsagouris’ fork. Should I rather try Nils’?

Nils' branch contains @petsagouris' changes, so I suggest to try his branch.

Cheers Michael, will try that on monday!

There shouldn't be any difference. I only adjusted the UI – nothing that interferes with the actual functionality.

Thanks Nils. But what could stop the extension from being activated then? If I try to, the page reloads and then ETM stays grayed out. Permissions seem ok, other extensions can be activated and deactivated without problem.

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