
@michael-e, @huib, @remie I've started on something, join in ;)

@remie: Yes, help is appreciated. @petsagouris is also working on 2.3 compatibility, so I created a 2.3 branch to send requests against.

I will try and do my best reviewing your changes. But I will have to keep the development branch for Symphony 2.2.5 at the moment, so do both in parallel. When it comes to testing, at the moment I don't have any chance to test the complicated "power user" stuff on 2.3. I will have to rely on you.

I also created an S 2.3 label for GitHub issues, so we can clearly see what goes wrong expecially in 2.3.

Your help is welcome. Thanks, guys!

I'll help @petsagouris out with 2.3 compatibility. We need Email Template Manager ASAP for a site.

mmm.. I was planning on working on it this weekend as well :) Is anyone coordinating the effort?

Brendo, would you be willing to coordinate the update? I can add you to the repo if you want.

At this moment I am still terribly busy, and I don't see any relief coming up in the next few weeks. So, for the sake of pure development speed, I would be glad to cut myself out of the chain for now ;)

I don't know the codebase like you or Michael, so I think it'd be best if the resulting work was still OK'd by either of you.

Having said that, I just updated ETF this afternoon and because of the nature of these extensions (a lot of custom logic), there is little that needs to be updated for Symphony 2.3 compatibility. The major of changes are just tweaking parameters for some of the core methods or updating styling conventions (making use of breadcrumbs, the Apply select box etc.), and they probably won't require any of your internal ETM logic to change.

George has done most of the job, there's just a couple of visual things that need to be adjusted for the template creation pages. Remie I would start any work this weekend based off this branch, which George can then merge. Once we get that solid we'll submit a pull request to the main repo :)

OK, great! Thanks

I can handle the merges on my repository (develop branch please) if anyone wants to contribute towards a unified effort about the EMT getting 2.3'd as brendo described.

@brendo: I was thinking the same thing although I had a repository on your account in mind due to the fact that you are enormously more familiar with Symphnony, where as I am not. ;)

Maybe a stupid question. But for displaying the form do I need to make it on my own in xslt.

roelof, have you followed the tutorial?

Yes, I followed it to the letter. But when I goto I don't see anything. Contact is the page where the DS and the events are attached to.

Edit 1 : I saw that with the events a form was given. I used that one but still not e-mails send and no thanks page.

Your form looks OK.

Can you edit your form to say: action="?debug" and submit the form again, and post the XML on pastie. That way you will be able to see if anything has gone wrong.

I see now the problem. I see this on the xslt <filter name="etm-response-notification" status="failed">Unable to open socket. Connection refused</filter> I have to check my email settings again.

I have found it but I still see a problem.

I have this xslt.

So I thought that in the email template I schould use : To be more precise, <xsl:value-of select="data/events/content-verzenden/post-values/naam" /> asked this:

But I still get empty emails before asked this.

Where did I go wrong ?

You can not directly use the event data in your template. You should create a separate datasource.

One question : Can I someone pass two events in the submit question or must I put both in one event. I get the conformation email but still no thanks email. The last problem is solved by solving a typo in the DS.

Solved by putting both actions in one event.

Sorry , but one question pops up. Can I have some sort of success page so when people press the send button they get a message that the email is send.

Yes, look at the redirect field at the event documentation. However, this has nothing to do with the ETM itself, and is just a general event question.

A few of you said they'll start working on updating this extension for Symphony 2.3: Has this already been done and if so are the needed changes available on Github anywhere (forks, branches?)? Thanks!

@Nils: we are working on this branch

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