
Getting to get this works, I could received an email response except body and title (email is working) messages which was typed on the Contact form is not appear in the message. Will I need some modification to the code below?

Response datasource has been selected in the Response-Notification template.

<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" type="hidden" value="5242880" />
  <label>Title <input name="fields[title]" type="text" /></label>
  <label>Email <input name="fields[email]" type="text" /></label>
  <label>Body <textarea name="fields[body]" rows="15" cols="50"></textarea></label>
  <input name="action[send-email-template-response-notification]" type="submit" value="Submit" />

@proyb2: can you please post your template? And, have you followed the tutorial? The first tutorial might be exactly what you are looking for.

Yeap, I'm following the tutorial, trying other combination, I manage to get name and email working except body field.

Create a section: Name (Text Input,require) Email (Text Input,require) Body (Textarea)

I follow the tutorial as in 3.1.3 section:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:output method="text"
    indent="no" />

<xsl:template match="/">
    Woohoo! Somebody wants information from us!

    To be more precise, <xsl:value-of select="/data/responses/entry/name" /> asked this:

    <xsl:value-of select="/data/respones/entry/body" />

    To respond, you can send an email to: <xsl:value-of select="/data/responses/entry/email"/> or reply to this email.


For some reason, HTML code couldn't show on the comment. Screenshot of XHTML contact form:

@proyb2: is the body element definitely selected in your Response data source's XML output?

Does changing

<xsl:value-of select="/data/respones/entry/body" />


<xsl:value-of select="/data/responses/entry/body" />


@klaftertief, did you spotted that on 43" monitor? Thanks and thanks for others' invaluable inputs!

I have a custom event and I want to send an email using the Email template manager. How should I proceed?

I'm not using the TOOLKIT/events/event.section.php file in my event. I looked through the source from ETM's driver and I think I should fire the eventFinalSaveFilter delegate.

Is this the way to do it?


Ahh, nevermind. I fired the delegate and it worked well :)

I updated the ETM to version 3.1. Template include paths will now work as expected. :-)

This also means that if you update, you will have to change your include paths!

EDIT: Since it's a breaking change, I decided to make it version 4.0.

Template include paths will now work as expected. :-)

Marvelous !

How did you solve the issue in the end?

How did you solve the issue in the end?

As proposed by Nick, I copied the idea of a "base document" from the Symphony core. :-)

Guys, I'm building a page where the user select a bunch of his friends and I save some database entries for each friend selected, like this:

ID | User name | Friend Name | Friend Email

Any ideas on how I make the system send an email for each of this new created entries, as soon as they are registered?

Thanks in advance.

If your user is doing this from the front-end it should be very straight forward as you would have to attach an event to the page.

If you're doing this from the back-end this might be a bit more complex.

It's from the front-end. I'd need to create a custom event right?

*Sorry the bothering, but I'm usually a front-end developer, só hard coding is not my playground! lol

I think that, if you have allow multiple selected, the ETM will be called for each of the entries that you create. Thus you wil not need a custom event. Please correct me if I'm wrong, though!

Thanks man! I'll give it a try tomorrow and post the results here.

Will this extension be working in 2.3 at any moment ?

At the moment we don't find the time to update the extension. But yes, it will be done, I just can't promise any date.

@michael-e / @huib: do you need any help? Because as I understood from @Brendo this will also block the release of members 1.1.0 (2.3 compatible). As I would love to upgrade some of my applications to 2.3 (which use both Members and ETM), I figure it is only fair to help.

Oke, I have to wait till somebod takes over Search Index before I can switch to 2.3.

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