
well this same page is one that is displaying im may website, i was just using to test the dashboard, could it be anything else?

Maybe you forgot the trailing slash '/'. Symphony redirects everything without a trailing slash to a URL with it.

   @klaftertief: Maybe you forgot the trailing slash '/'. Symphony redirects everything without a trailing slash to a URL with it.

True, did not know that, that fixed it, thanks.

Dashboard updated to version 1.4 on 1st of June 2011

  • small CSS and bug fixes

I'd love to see how the community are using this extension. What sort of panels are you using, and how? Please, post screenshots of your dashboards :-)

Dashboard updated to version 1.5.1 on 2nd of June 2011

  • added a new delegate DashboardPanelValidate so that panels can validate their config options during saving (thanks Rowan, great stuff as always)
  • the Symphony Overview panel now tells you if your build is out of date and provides a link to the release notes of the latest version

Overview panel

My Health check extension uses it.

And Rowan just made an awesome one that bypasses the need for datasources to display sections. Sections panel

Plus another dev from work has created/creating a GA panel that displays a simple graph of your sites traffic within a 30 day period. Don't think he has released it yet though.

Get this (Symphony 2.2.1 | Dashboard 1.5.1)

Fatal error: Class 'FrontendPageNotFoundException' .../symphony/symphony/lib/toolkit/data-sources/datasource.section.php on line 21

quer could you provide more information please? What actions did you perform leading up to the error.

ok i found this: I hafe two ds:

  • homepage-article (article listing)
  • article (article details)

when i select the "article" ds, i get this error message

when i select the "homepage-articles" ds, it's ok

I think, it's something in the ds settings and I just select the wrong DS.

@quer - try deleting the article datasource and recreating the article datasource and see if that fixes the problem.

My guess is the Article DS is set to redirect to a 404 page if no entries are found.

A big "FUCK YEAH!" is in order for this extension. I installed it on a site today and the client's mind was blown. It's especially sexy when teamed with the Dashboard Analytics extension.

I think we need some sort of Dashboard gallery too, I'd be interested in how people are using this to display cool things.

I'm using a dashboard HTML panel to list open orders in a simple ecommerce system.

I was hoping to have a "Mark as shipped" button next to each order to save the admin from clicking into each order to update the status, but when I add forms to the HTML panel (1 for each order), the forms don't submit.

Any idea's why the forms aren't working? I have tested the stand-alone page and the forms work fine.

Anything inside the HTML Panel is already inside a form, and you can't use forms within forms.

Aaah. Thanks. That explains it. I guess I may have to fall back to an iFrame.


i just installed this extension on a symphony 2.1.0 site. the dashboard appears in the menu, but when i click on any item below create new i get the following js error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined Dashboard.showEditFormdashboard.index.js:170 (anonymous function)dashboard.index.js:49 oajquery.js:18 c.event.handlejquery.js:55 c.event.add.j.handle.o

any ideas?


Which version did you install? The latest version in the repo works only with Symphony 2.3. You'll probably want 1.4 if you're still using Symphony 2.1. See here.

Fatal error: Class Extension_Dashboard contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Extension::about) in C:xampphtdocsxamppsymphonyextensionsdashboardextension.driver.php on line 556

I used a recently XAMPP version that contain PHP 5.3, Symphony 2.2.5.

See Nick's comment above.

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