
Now I only need to understand searching… It simply does nothing at the moment.

Hm, well, that’s not what a search function is supposed to do.

The search looks through the whole list of items in your Mediathek and rate matches these based on each letter you type in the search field. It uses Quicksilver’s search function and does not search for exact matches.

Hmmm, looks funny to me. I have three items:

  • Datei
  • Nase
  • Test

If I search for “nase”, if finds all items. It I search for “nase test”, it finds only the “Nase” item.

Here’s a first cut:

Great! Thanks Craig. Pushed it to GitHub with a real typo in my commit message (who finds the missing w?) …

Edit: Michael found it and put it back.

Here is the missing w:


Simply put it at the end of no.

If I search for “nase”, if finds all items. It I search for “nase test”, it finds only the “Nase” item.

Well, don’t get me wrong: That’s how it is supposed to work.

The search function splits up your term into single characters (n, a, s, e) and searches for items containing these characters. Based on the matched characters count your Mediathek items are rated (which is the base of the sort order of your results).

  • Datei contains an a and a e. (rating 0.5)
  • Nase contains all characters. (rating 1.0)
  • Test contains an e and a s. (rating 0.5)

Here is some info about the search function.

Edit: Corrected link.

Wow. OK.

But I hope that I am still in the race for the “w-searcher” award. :-)

But I hope that I am still in the race for the “w-searcher” award. :-)

You are in the top five ;)

Very cool Nils! Can’t wait to use this extension in a live environment! Thanks for your work on this!

@Nils Great work!

It’s possible to edit or delete an entry from Mediathek? I also need to use {$root} param on Custom item caption. How could it be done?


@Nils, What do you think?

@rainerborene: I’ll have a look at it by the end of the week. I have to say that this is not the way how captions were intended to be used originally – I’ll think about it …

Question: In which use case parameters like {$today} or {$current-time} are helpful in this field’s context?

@Nils That’s just an option. But in my case, I need to use the {$root} parameter.

Instead of using pure text I would like to use a thumbnail. More interesting, no? :-)

More interesting, no? :-)

Don’t worry, I just want to see, if it is an important feature usable for most of us or if it is just a special need. So please argue for your idea :)

By the way, where do you want to use thumbnails? If it’s on the front-end I’d currently say, that the best way would be are adjustment of the page output in your XSL template, see Manipulating HTML in XML.

@Nils Here it is.


What do you think?

Ah, now I see! That makes sense.

I can’t get this working, screenshots attached.

alt text alt text

The Linked Section is Image and setup as follows:

  • Textbox + Textile Plus Formatter
  • Advanced Upload Field

The section that I have the Mediathek field in is:

  • Textbox + Textile Plus Formatter * 2
  • Date/Time Field
  • Mediathek Field

edit: Just tried replacing the AUF with the normal Upload Field. No change.

What’s the setup of your Mediathek field. It looks to me as though the captions of your items could not be generated correctly. Could you please post your caption template and have a look in the source code of your Mediathek (second screenshot) and see if there is any markup in the Mediathek list?

Please post all the other needed information, as mentioned in the documentation. Thanks!

Bug reports

If you think you’ve found a bug, please consult the Symphony forum first and see if the problem has been discussed or solved. If you can’t find anything, please post a bug report at providing the following information:

  • A description of your problem. Please be precise: What’s the problem? When does is occur? How can it be reproduced?
  • Your Symphony version number.
  • Your Mediathek version number.
  • Any errors and warnings in your activity log.
  • Any errors in your Java Script console.

Working today, not sure what changed overnight, I did find another issue though, posted @ Github

If things change overnight, you might be a Safari user. This biest has a terrible “persistent caching” bug since many months (and versions). (I meanwhile force it down on client websites using the fantastic Datestamp Helper extension – but that’s on the frontend, so it’s another story…)

I’m thinking about some improvements and new features for this extension but I’d like to get some feedback first:

1. Edit vs. select

It seems like many people are confused by the naming of the edit tab. At first glance this tab seems to offer an interface to edit the content of a related entry. Nevertheless it is only there to allow editing of the current selection. So I’m thinking about renaming the edit tab to select.

Question: Does this make sence to you?

2. Inline entry editing

Part of the reason to change the name of the edit tab is to introduce an edit mode which really let’s you modify existing entries.

Question: Do you need such a feature?

3. Preview and edit mode

If I would introduce an edit mode I think I would combine it with the preview. On the one hand this would reduce the need of more buttons (where to put these?) on the other hand I think an edit panel would be the right place for the preview.

Question: Does this make sense to you?

4. Reordering

Since version 2 it is possible to reorder selected items.

Question: Do you really use this feature and do your authors understand that they can reorder items?

5. Crop on drop

It would be possible to integrate a cropping feature after dropping an image into a textarea if the image cropper extension is installed.

Question: Are you interested in such a feature?

6. Multiple uploads

There have been a few request concerning multiple uploads. While it does not seem to make sense to integrate a multiple upload field into the Mediathek (this should be an separate extension) it would be possible allow multiple entry creation. I’m thinking of something like this: You click on the Create New button and - besides the current features - you get the possibility to select multiple images which will be used to create separate new Mediathek items.

Question: Are you interested in such a feature?

So, I’m not sure if all this should be integrated in this extension and I do not have an idea how to implement a good workflow for all these features. Before I decide what to implement first / next / at all I’d like to get some feedback. If some of you would like to contribute (interface design, php, javascript) you are welcome to join the development process.

Thank you!

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