
As guillem_l wrote

Just pushed a fix that solve the publish filtering compatibility and sorting issue.

Sorry gurus for such a looser question, but I have to ask: Is the fix of sorting available in some way?

Many thanks.

This is the commit that introduces the fix.
If you're unsure how to apply it, or if you have an older version, just replace the extension folder with this.

It works. Thank you alpacaaa and many thanks again!

I love you @alpacaaa ! You saved my day.

Does the option "Use value from main language if selected language has empty value" work in 2.3.1?

In the main language (NL) I see all fields in the debug view. But when I switch language I don't get any value nor an empty field in the debug view when the field in the selected language is empty.

Field which are not empty works as expected.

That's standard Symphony, not outputting an XML node for an empty value. I don't know this extension, but if there is an option as you've seen, then it is broken and not pulling the data from the main language. It will need a bug filing.

Indeed this is a bug. Can you report on the Github repo, please? Thanks. Alpacaa already opened an isue.

My bad not checking Github first before asking.

I have this experience:

Firstly, the setup I use: Two languages, e.g. Slovak as the main language and English (but I think it behaves the same also with more than two languages, but "english" is important here). Now:

When I have more than one ML textbox field in a section, the preselected value in the SCMS entry editor and entries overview is always the english one; when I have only one ML field, its the first tab, in this case Slovak. Is this based on Language localisation pack for SCMS I have installed (I have the default one, so the Slovak is a fallback here)?

I would like to have it Slovak, or as the Main Language is set up in SCMS Preferences. But if it changes accordingly to the language pack, its also fine.

Thanks for your information.

EDIT: And yes, the initial motivation of this post was the fact, that the value preselection behaves differently on one ML field and on more than one ML fields in a section, but I was kind of driven away with the "language packs" idea =:B

In the meantime: Yes, the preselect value is based on selected system localization. Tried that out with localizations.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this issue on the forum or on GitHub, so apologies if I'm repeating myself, but:

The "Use value from main language if selected language has empty value" checkbox either doesn't seem to be working, or functions differently than I'd expect.

If I change the language to one that is sparsely populated I just get a lot of blank spaces where text should be, i.e. it's not grabbing the 'main language' in cases where there are no values for other languages, as this option would indicate.

This is using the latest version of this extension with Symphony 2.3.1


Don't think I've ever seen it work tbh. Clients usually paste main language in the extra lang tabs in order to submit entry... i.e. I always have the field a required field so that at least they get copy for the main language.. but Required fields will throw error if the 2nd lang textarea is empty.. I wonder whether that part could be addressed at the same time... i.e. only first textarea should throw an error.. leaving the 2nd,3rd,fourth lang textareas blank and able to use the primary language maybe..

A dilema indeed.

I wonder if the DS option for this field to output for all languages should be used in this situation?


If you're outputting all the languages anyway (using the DS option) then you'd think the logic would be in the template, so you wouldn't really need that tickbox in that case. Practically speaking it's too late for me to do that now unfortunately else that would have been an easy fix (seems like it'd be less efficient though, although not sure if there's any practical difference).

Interesting to hear that you've never seen it work. Makes me wonder even more if it's intended function is different to what I think.

Interesting to hear that you've never seen it work. Makes me wonder even more if it's intended function is different to what I think.

Same here..

is this compatible with 2.3.2 ?

becauze i added it to a section, and i get an error when i'm trying to add an entry in to it.


please does all-languages output option work for you? I thought it should return all of the field's value transcriptions in e.g. item child nodes. But I get only the handles at most. Any quick hints? Thanks.

Using MLTB 2.1 with SCMS 2.3.2

re Required fields I think it would need to be slightly more elaborate then just all languages required or only first language required...

It would make sense to have a required 'content-area' once an entry is set to be published or has a title. Sometimes a secondary language gets inserted prior to the main... Especially when there are multinational teams working on the project. I think something like a required depending on another field would be nice to have.

This extension is not supported anymore, or is it?

Open ISSUE: Update multilingual_field from Frontend problem

Modifying just the current language value doesn't work on Symphony 2.3.6, it saves the actual language field and empties the other language fields Modify all values works.

@juro: i can confirm this, the output will always be one single entry (not multiple items) whether the all-languages option has been selected or not. this is because the string all-languages will never be found here. i have traced this to class.datasource.section.php where $dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENS differs from whats inside the ds-file.

e.g. in my datasource file i've got the following:

public $dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = array(
    'name: all-languages: formatted'

but in class.datasource.section.php it outputs name: test (where test is the name of the datasource i was using).

my php-/symphony-fu ends there :(


when i save the datasource file with

public $dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = array(
    'name: formatted'

it correctly outputs this instead of the ds-name

ok, this has obviously nothing to do with multilingual_field in particular, because when i insert test-field: all-languages: formatted manually here it works as expected (i get all languages as item nodes).

somehow, somewhere the value of $dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS is transformed from what it is in the datasource file.

so, should i post this anywhere else? do not want to double post or anything.


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